Frida 2024 pdf epub mobi 电子书
It's unfortunate that there doesn't seem to be a better full biography written about her. I don't think this writer does Frida's life justice. She deserves a better writer! I think Herrera is an art historian or the like, so I'm not saying it's not accurate...
评分看弗里达生平的时候,一直流泪一直流泪,也不知道这无端的伤心痛苦从何而来,为了什么。 一个女人终其一生在渴望和追求她的幸福,用尽极其惨烈的方式,只得到片刻短暂貌似属于自己想要的那部分生活,而这生活,几乎是以她完全的退让和刻意的迎合来得到的。她的智性时时刻刻催...
评分几年前在大众书局买的这本传记 看了以后对FRIDA佩服的五体投地 前段时间找了同名翻拍电影 那种神韵还是找不出来 虽然色彩还是那么浓重
评分It's unfortunate that there doesn't seem to be a better full biography written about her. I don't think this writer does Frida's life justice. She deserves a better writer! I think Herrera is an art historian or the like, so I'm not saying it's not accurate...
评分弗里达·卡洛(frida kahlo)(1907年-1954年),人们说她是20世纪历史上最富有传奇色彩的女画家,说在墨西哥她甚至被尊奉为女神。 卡洛在青春期的后期因遭受一次严重的车祸而导致频繁地出入医院和进行手术,(据说她一生作过32次包括脊椎移植类的大手术,经历了三次流产,以...
图书标签: 传记 上課的時候不看點兒什麼根本坐不住
Frida 2024 pdf epub mobi 电子书