巴巴拉•W.塔奇曼(Barbara W. Tuchman)
《圣经与剑》(Bible and Sword, 1956)、《齐默尔曼电报》(The Zimmermann Telegram, 1958)、《八月炮火》(The Guns of August, 1962)、《骄傲的城堡》(The Proud Tower, 1966)、《史迪威与美国在中国的经验》(Stilwell and the American Experience in China, 1971)、《来自中国的函件》(Notes from China, 1972)、《遥远的镜子》(A Distant Mirror, 1978)、《实践历史》(Practicing History, 1981)、《“荒唐”进行曲》(The March of Folly, 1984)、《第一次敬礼》(The First Salute, 1988)。
Stilwell and the American Experience in China 1911-45 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书
在中国的抗日史上,鼎鼎有名的中国远征军及其优秀将领孙立人,以及陈纳德的飞虎队,都越来越多地受到人们的缅怀和崇敬,却很少有人注意到曾经有这么一个背影孤寂的老人,他曾经为打开通往中国的陆上通道和中国远征军做出了巨大努力和贡献。 通过本书,作者想让我们不要停留...
评分我最近在看《史迪威与美国在中国的经验》,恰好看到了和菜头的一篇文字,原文在这里:http://www.hecaitou.net/?p=4902,因为有了看《史迪威与美国在中国的经验》的所得,因此记下一点感想,本来这些感想是写在google share里面的,忽然觉得可以记录下来,因此,作为《史迪威与...
评分 评分芭芭拉·塔奇曼平生最有名的作品即《八月炮火》,那是西方人说西方人故事,凭借于参战各方详实的文件记录,塔奇曼的成名之作从某种意义上说无非就是“临门一脚”,再加上成书时古巴导弹危机人人自危的冷战大背景之下,自然是一炮打响。但联系到本书,无疑可谓塔奇曼一生之败笔...
评分【读品】成刚/文 巴巴拉.塔奇曼的《史迪威与美国在中国的经验》有一个中国式的原型,这个原型是那么古老,简直可以追溯到《西游记》;又那么文学味十足,这使它的身份一直饱受争议,是“学术著作”,还是“通俗历史”,抑或纪实小说?这书有个老版本,正标题是“逆风沙”,不...
Stilwell & the American Experience in China, 1911-45 was written by Barbara Wertheim Tuchman & published in '71 by Macmillan Publishers. It won the '72 Pulitzer Prize for General Non-Fiction. The book was republished in 2001 by Grove Press. It was also published under the title Sand Against the Wind: Stilwell & the American Experience in China, 1911-45 by Macmillan Publishers in 1970.
Using the life of Joseph Stilwell, military attache to China in 1935-39 & commander of U.S. forces & allied chief of staff to Chiang Kai-shek in '42-44, this book explores the history of China from the Revolution of 1911 to the turmoil of WWII, when its right-wing Nationalist government faced attack from both Japanese invaders & Communist insurgents.
Stilwell and the American Experience in China 1911-45 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书