巴巴拉•W.塔奇曼(Barbara W. Tuchman)
《聖經與劍》(Bible and Sword, 1956)、《齊默爾曼電報》(The Zimmermann Telegram, 1958)、《八月炮火》(The Guns of August, 1962)、《驕傲的城堡》(The Proud Tower, 1966)、《史迪威與美國在中國的經驗》(Stilwell and the American Experience in China, 1971)、《來自中國的函件》(Notes from China, 1972)、《遙遠的鏡子》(A Distant Mirror, 1978)、《實踐曆史》(Practicing History, 1981)、《“荒唐”進行麯》(The March of Folly, 1984)、《第一次敬禮》(The First Salute, 1988)。
Barbara W. Tuchman won the Pulitzer Prize for Stilwell & the American Experience in China, 1911-45 in '72. She uses the life of Joseph Stilwell, the military attache to China in 1935-39 & commander of US forces & allied chief of staff to Chiang Kai-shek in '42-44, to explore the history of China from the revolution of 1911 to the turmoil of WWII, when China's right-wing Nationalist government faced attack from Japanese invaders & Communist revolutionaries. Her story is an account of both American relations with China & the experiences of one of the men on the ground. In the cantankerous but level-headed "Vinegar Joe," she found a subject who allowed her to perform, in the words of The National Review, "one of the historian's most envied magic acts: conjoining a fine biography of a man with a fascinating epic story."
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刊於《南都周刊》2016年第4期“失望之書”專題 巴巴拉·塔奇曼是美國著名的曆史作傢,她獲得普利策奬的名作《史迪威與美國在中國的經驗(1911—1945)》(又譯《史迪威與美國在華經驗(1911——1945)》),早在1985年即有瞭簡體中譯本,如今這已經是第4個版本瞭。很多中國人...
評分這本史迪威與美國在中國的經驗在中國已經多次再版瞭。在豆瓣也得到瞭不少讀者的高評。但據我看過的資料,這種高評具有相當的誤導性。 這本書不會告訴你這些。 1.史迪威在第一次緬甸戰役期間,不聽有經驗的中國將領的勸告,完全罔顧中國軍隊的整體實力遠遠弱於日本軍隊的事實,...
評分1911-1945,這是國人比較熟悉的一段時間,即便不曾看相關的圖書,我們也可以通過各種傳播渠道獲得有關於這段曆史的內容。與之不同的是,這本書是以史迪威的視角來看中國,或者說那段時期的中美關係,這是比較特彆的。 除此,有必要提一下,這本書的作者是一位...
"In the end the Chinese went their own way as if the Americans had never come."
評分"In the end the Chinese went their own way as if the Americans had never come."
評分"In the end the Chinese went their own way as if the Americans had never come."
評分"In the end the Chinese went their own way as if the Americans had never come."
評分"In the end the Chinese went their own way as if the Americans had never come."
Stilwell and the American Experience in China 1911-45 2025 pdf epub mobi 電子書 下載