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Street Smarts


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Wall Street legend and bestselling author Jim Rogers offers investing insights and economic, political, and social analysis, drawing on lessons and observations from his lifetime in the markets.

Jim Rogers, whose entertaining accounts of his travels around the world -- studying the markets from Russia to Singapore from the ground up-- has enthralled readers, investors and Wall Street aficionados for two decades in such books as "Investment Biker," "Adventure Capitalist," "Hot Commodities" and "A Bull In China" . In his engaging memoir "Street Smarts," Rogers offers pithy commentary from a lifetime of adventure, from his early years growing up a naive kid in Demopolis, Alabama, to his fledgling career on Wall Street, to his cofounding the wildly successful Quantum Fund. Rogers always had a restless curiosity to experience and understand the world around him.

In "Street Smarts," he takes us through the highlights of his life in the financial markets, from his school days at Yale and Oxford -- where despite the fact that he didn't have enough money to afford the appropriate pair of shoes, he coxed the crew and helped to win the Oxford-Cambridge Boat Race as well as the Thames Cup, the first of his three Guiness World Records -- to his first heady taste of Wall Street in the mid - 1960s, and his years helping to run the most successful hedge fund on Wall Street. As a result of his extraordinary success with the Quantum Fund, Rogers was able to retire at the age of thirty-seven. Since then he has taught classes in finance at Columbia University, hosted television programs, and traveled the world seeing firsthand how revolutions in Chile affect coffee prices in Seattle, and how shortages of copper in Africa affect electricity brownouts in Ohio.

In the course of his new book, Rogers offers often surprising observations on how the world works - and what trends he sees in the future. He explains why Asia will be the dominant economic force in the twenty-first century - and how he and his wife and two daughters moved to Singapore to prepare his family for the coming changes.. He discusses why America and the European Union are in decline, and what we need to do to right our economy and society. The age of Wall Street, Rogers claims, when the finance industry drove 25% of America's growth, is over. Tomorrow's economy will be driven by those who make things - food, energy, goods and consumables.

Regarded as one of the most astute investors Wall Street has ever known, Jim Rogers once again is at his acerbic and storytelling best.

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Jim Rogers88年第一次在中國旅行,便形成瞭中國會領導下一個世紀的看法。女兒4歲時攜妻子遷居亞洲,首選是上海,其次考慮香港,隻是因為空氣汙染和語言放棄,最後選擇瞭融閤中西的新加坡定居。Jim Rogers堅定地看好亞洲,看好中國,書中為中國的政治與社會的辯解讓人信服,很難...


吉姆羅傑斯(Jim Rogers),非一般的存在,量子基本創始人之一,羅傑斯國際商品指數創立者,曾兩次環球世界,第一次騎摩托,第二次開轎車,其兩次環球世界經曆都被載入吉尼斯世界紀錄,並於37歲退休。羅傑斯非常熱愛中國,其名言是:"19世紀是英國的世紀,20世紀是美國的世紀,...  


吉姆羅傑斯(Jim Rogers),非一般的存在,量子基本創始人之一,羅傑斯國際商品指數創立者,曾兩次環球世界,第一次騎摩托,第二次開轎車,其兩次環球世界經曆都被載入吉尼斯世界紀錄,並於37歲退休。羅傑斯非常熱愛中國,其名言是:"19世紀是英國的世紀,20世紀是美國的世紀,...  


Jim Rogers88年第一次在中國旅行,便形成瞭中國會領導下一個世紀的看法。女兒4歲時攜妻子遷居亞洲,首選是上海,其次考慮香港,隻是因為空氣汙染和語言放棄,最後選擇瞭融閤中西的新加坡定居。Jim Rogers堅定地看好亞洲,看好中國,書中為中國的政治與社會的辯解讓人信服,很難...


吉姆羅傑斯(Jim Rogers),非一般的存在,量子基本創始人之一,羅傑斯國際商品指數創立者,曾兩次環球世界,第一次騎摩托,第二次開轎車,其兩次環球世界經曆都被載入吉尼斯世界紀錄,並於37歲退休。羅傑斯非常熱愛中國,其名言是:"19世紀是英國的世紀,20世紀是美國的世紀,...  

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出版者:Crown Business
作者:Jim Rogers
價格:USD 26.00

圖書標籤: 投資  investment  Rogers  傳記  美國  思維  經濟  金融   

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每一篇都是獨立的,內容是作者自己的工作、旅行、生活和自己對世界的看法。作者都七十多歲的人瞭,和索羅斯一起創建瞭量子基金,37歲就掙夠一輩子花的錢,然後退休瞭。。。 作者是個美國黑,中國迷。並且預測,未來是屬於中國的。並且作者本人也搬到瞭新加坡,之所以不去上海定居,是因為他覺得上海空氣太差瞭(那是因為作者沒去北京吧)。




Excellent book! 書如其名,寫的相當糙和通俗易懂,邏輯流暢。隻有時不時對曆史的引用讓你記得這其實是一個上過yale和ox的。能利用教育又不為其名所纍,真street smart!


我覺得比investment biker和Adventure capitalist更好看呢。拍中國馬屁也是真的。。。。


Good, he is a really smart guy.

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