羅伯特·查爾斯·威爾森(Robert Charles Wilson),近年來最重要的加拿大科幻作傢之一,自從長篇小說《隱匿之地》(A Hidden Place)入圍菲利普·迪剋奬之後,便逐漸確立起自己在科幻文壇的地位。他曾獲得過四次雨果奬提名和一次星雲奬提名,《時間迴鏇》奪得2006年雨果奬最佳長篇小說。
One night in October when he was ten years old, Tyler Dupree stood in his back yard and watched the stars go out. They all flared into brilliance at once, then disappeared, replaced by a flat, empty black barrier. He and his best friends, Jason and Diane Lawton, had seen what became known as the Big Blackout. It would shape their lives. The effect is worldwide. The sun is now a featureless disk--a heat source, rather than an astronomical object. The moon is gone, but tides remain. Not only have the world's artificial satellites fallen out of orbit, their recovered remains are pitted and aged, as though they'd been in space far longer than their known lifespans. As Tyler, Jason, and Diane grow up, a space probe reveals a bizarre truth: The barrier is artificial, generated by huge alien artifacts. Time is passing faster outside the barrier than inside--more than a hundred million years per year on Earth. At this rate, the death throes of the sun are only about forty years in our future. Jason, now a promising young scientist, devotes his life to working against this slow-moving apocalypse. Diane throws herself into hedonism, marrying a sinister cult leader who's forged a new religion out of the fears of the masses. Earth sends terraforming machines to Mars to let the onrush of time do its work, turning the planet green. Next they send humans...and immediately get back an emissary with thousands of years of stories to tell about the settling of Mars. Then Earth's probes reveal that an identical barrier has appeared around Mars. Jason, desperate, seeds near space with self-replicating machines that will scatter copies of themselves outward from the sun--and report back on what they find. Life on Earth is about to get much, much stranger.
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圖書標籤: 科幻 Sci-Fi spin 英文 小說 英文原版 科幻小說 要讀就讀原著
這本書開始很強, 但分崩離析的結局。
評分補英文版。不是半斷網狀態大概很難安下心讀完。仍然是最喜歡的科幻作品之一:少年天纔+友情+新人類,每個元素都賽高~ 可惜第二部和第三部都很平庸呢。
評分開局寫到一個假太陽太帶感瞭,我還以為是科幻界楚門故事的開端,發展雖然不如我所想,但被放進宇宙保鮮袋的地球設定依舊很吸引人。我非常喜歡時間差的設定,被時間迴鏇包圍的地球與宇宙之間存在著億年的鴻溝,可我的問題是人類難道不是一直活在一種假想的時間錯位感裏嗎?人之於地球,地球之於太陽係,太陽係之於宇宙,一切都是漂泊的雨滴,隻不過我沒有Wilson那般積極或浪漫,我不覺得這些雨滴最後會降落,他們隻會在爆炸裏燃燒成灰燼,或者被吸進黑洞裏變成一串數據。時間迴鏇見證瞭星球文明的起落,與我們相似的文明,從前有,以後也會有,地球文明從來不特彆,人類亦缺乏自救能力,我們甚至沒有迎來壯麗卻升華的悲劇結局,人類被輕輕緩緩地包圍拯救,於是更加迷失自我與不知要去嚮哪裏。#wilson寫的愛太俗瞭 #想唱,去嚮大海的方嚮
評分I really enjoyed this book. Although it's longer than those average sci-fi, it goes by very quickly and you just want more and more.
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