Since the initial publication of the first three groundbreaking volumes -- Horror, Science Fiction, and The Western -- The Overlook Film Encyclopedia series has been deemed the most authoritative, stylish, and compulsively readable film reference series ever. In The Gangster Film, series editor Phil Hardy has created yet again a landmark in film reference.Included in this lavish volume are critical entries on more than 1,500 gangster films, complete with plot synapses and credits, and 650 black and white photographs to capture the look of this exciting genre. Arranged chronologically, The Gangster Film offers deliciously opinionated and detailed descriptions, statistical information, credits and trivia from early classics such as Public Enemy, Key Largo, Dragnet, and On the Waterfront to contemporary blockbusters such as The Grifters, Chinatown, The Godfather, and Pulp Fiction. Essential, authoritative, and entertaining, The Gangster Film is the guide for serious students of film, film buffs, and home viewers.
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圖書標籤: 英語 科幻 電影 工具書 Visual/Art Film Culture
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