漫威娛樂有限公司(Marvel Entertainment, LLC)是一傢美國娛樂公司,擁有蜘蛛俠、鋼鐵俠、浩剋及X戰警等作品的製作權。其旗下的漫畫齣版公司——漫威齣版公司(Marvel Publishing, Inc.),成立於1939年,至今已有七十多年的曆史。如今的漫威齣版公司已成為世界傢喻戶曉的漫畫齣版公司。
The breakout star of this summer's blockbuster Avengers film, Clint Barton - aka the self-made hero Hawkeye - fights for justice! With ex-Young Avenger Kate Bishop by his side, he's out to prove himself as one of Earth's Mightiest Heroes! SHIELD recruits Clint to intercept a packet of incriminating evidence - before he becomes the most wanted man in the world. You won't believe what is on The Tape! What is the Vagabond Code? Matt Fraction pens a Hawkeye thriller that spans the globe...and the darkest parts of Hawkeye's mind. Barton and Bishop mean double the Hawkeye and double the trouble...and stealing from the rich never looked so good.
COLLECTING: Hawkeye 1-5, Young Avengers Presents 6
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圖書標籤: Marvel DavidAja 漫畫 comic Hawkeye 美漫 美國 comics
評分David Aja畫的迴數都是五星,構圖、筆觸太棒瞭,分鏡更是神,狗狗迴和手語迴都想印成海報貼房間。Matt Hollingsworth不負color artist之名,以後隻要聽到鷹眼就會想起那抹紫。LA線太差瞭,證明Matt Fraction隻是靠Aja carry瞭一次。
評分天天啃披薩的金毛窮逼帶著撿來的大狗還有黑發的好閨蜜過著平常的生活(?)偶爾睡個陌生紅發美女還被光屁股追殺一下的倒黴節奏( ̄_ ̄|||) 作為一個復仇者在異國他鄉被小混混搶走錢包真的不覺得羞恥嗎!!!!!還順勢當起瞭臨時齣租車司機是怎麼迴事啊!!!!!
評分開始還在想Kate在賊船上的造型是緻敬Blade Runner的吧,之後Clint就直接把電影的碟拿齣來然後背誦電影颱詞瞭
Hawkeye, Vol. 1 2025 pdf epub mobi 電子書 下載