Umberto Eco is the author of four bestselling novels, The Name of The Rose, Foucault's Pendulum, The Island of The Day Before and, most recently, Baudolino. His collections of essays include Five Moral Pieces, Kant and the Platypus, Serendipities, Travels In Hyperreality, and How To Travel With a Salmon and Other Essays. A Professor of Semiotics at the University of Bologna, Umberto Eco lives in Italy.
On Beauty 2024 pdf epub mobi 电子书
评分这本书本身是一本非常好的书,让我对西方美学历史有比较全面和真切的理解。 翻译者,我想,也是希望用“配得上”如此重要著作的词汇和句法来翻译出那种厚重和深刻。可是,似乎有点儿过犹不及了。阅读的过程中经常会被一些艰涩的词汇和古怪的句法阻挡,放缓阅读速度。
评分Eco知识渊博,生性好引,书中颇多原文。唯中文版译自英文版,而英文版又译自意大利文版。岂料原文各国文字混杂,不拘泥意文一种,原文至中文,其中转折,可谓重峦叠嶂,译笔若失之毫厘,则差之千里也。 38页上将普里阿摩斯译成普里安尚情有可原,毕竟其名不显,但281页引用亚...
评分刚开始翻看,之所以说翻看,是因为第一印象这是本图书。 图片真是精美,仅仅这个就算是值回票价了。 图像只有精制地复制,才能更准确地还原观感。我们到底看到的不是原画,但是那种建立在观看粗糙复制品基础上的感受,是多么地失真啊。精确的图像和粗糙的,两者有很大的区别,...
评分这本书本身是一本非常好的书,让我对西方美学历史有比较全面和真切的理解。 翻译者,我想,也是希望用“配得上”如此重要著作的词汇和句法来翻译出那种厚重和深刻。可是,似乎有点儿过犹不及了。阅读的过程中经常会被一些艰涩的词汇和古怪的句法阻挡,放缓阅读速度。
图书标签: UmbertoEco 艺术史 艺术 艺术文化 美术 英文原版 美术馆 美感丛生
Beauty is neither a history of art, nor a history of aesthetics but Umberto Eco draws on the histories of both these disciplines to define the ideas of beauty that have informed sensibilities from the classical world to modern times. In terms of form and style, Beauty has been conceived for a vast and diversified readership: taking in painting, sculpture, architecture, film, photography, the decorative arts, novels and poems, it offers a rich and intelligent panorama of this huge subject. It traces the philosophy of aesthetics through history and examines some of the many treatises that have sought to define it. Beauty is Umberto Eco at his most captivating and eclectic: we read not only of Botticelli and Michelangelo but of how the fashion of the 1960s owes much to ancient Egyptian dress, and how ancient Roman and eighteenth-century hairstyles have much in common. It makes the familiar new, and sheds a brilliant new light on the unfamiliar. Illustrated in full colour throughout and produced to the highest standards, Beauty is an indispensable book.
More than this book itself.
评分More than this book itself.
评分More than this book itself.
评分More than this book itself.
On Beauty 2024 pdf epub mobi 电子书