Patrick Smith is a pilot&writer,in his new book, pilot and columnist Patrick Smith explains why you have to turn off your cellphone for takeoff and landing, and why your ideas about autopilot are probably all wrong. He wants people to "re-appreciate the act of air travel. It's not as horrible as everybody thinks it is.
For millions of people, travel by air is a confounding, uncomfortable, and even fearful experience. Patrick Smith, airline pilot and author of the web's popular Ask the Pilot feature, separates the fact from fallacy and tells you everything you need to know...
•How planes fly, and a revealing look at the men and women who fly them
•Straight talk on turbulence, pilot training, and safety
•The real story on congestion, delays, and the dysfunction of the modern airport
•The myths and misconceptions of cabin air and cockpit automation
•Terrorism in perspective, and a provocative look at security
•Airfares, seating woes, and the pitfalls of airline customer service
•The colors and cultures of the airlines we love to hate
Cockpit Confidential covers not only the nuts and bolts of flying, but also the grand theater of air travel, from airport architecture to inflight service to the excitement of travel abroad. It's a thoughtful, funny, at times deeply personal look into the strange and misunderstood world of commercial flying.
The ideal book for frequent flyers, nervous passengers, and global travelers.
Refreshed and vastly expanding from the original Ask the Pilot, with approximately 75 percent new material.
Cockpit Confidential 2025 pdf epub mobi 電子書 下載
這本書分瞭七個章節,分彆是飛機的相關知識、大自然氣候問題、飛航中間那段神秘的過程、空中光怪陸離的驚奇事件、航途中種種的機艙裏的生活點滴、人們對未知的豐富想象及恐懼和航空公司的發展改革。 圈圈選取五個大傢比較好奇的知識點和大傢分享一下,讓大傢感受一下這本書的魅...
評分像鳥兒一樣在空中遨遊,是古代人民的夙願,而如今科技水平達到能夠滿足人類這一願望的時候,又齣現瞭新的問題:搭乘飛機危險嗎? 生活中確實存在這樣的人,聽到“坐飛機”三個字就臉色大變,馬上聯想到911、馬航MH370等等,再加上《中國機長》、《緊急迫降》等等各種災難片的渲...
評分十多年前,媽媽第一次來北京玩。帶媽媽去瞭天安門、故宮和母校轉瞭一圈,之後,依依不捨把媽媽送去瞭機場。 晚上,媽媽到傢,給我打瞭個電話: “小色,我到傢瞭。跟你說個事,今天我在飛機上做瞭一件驚人的事情!” 我從電話這頭感到不安,便著急問媽媽: “啊?什麼事?沒事...
評分十多年前,媽媽第一次來北京玩。帶媽媽去瞭天安門、故宮和母校轉瞭一圈,之後,依依不捨把媽媽送去瞭機場。 晚上,媽媽到傢,給我打瞭個電話: “小色,我到傢瞭。跟你說個事,今天我在飛機上做瞭一件驚人的事情!” 我從電話這頭感到不安,便著急問媽媽: “啊?什麼事?沒事...
圖書標籤: 科普 航空航天 生活 雜學 smith audiobook Patrick Confidential
100 Q&A About Air Travel
評分很多內容是根據Patrick Smith的Ask the Pilot專欄的文章,很不錯的介紹飛行的科普書
評分很多內容是根據Patrick Smith的Ask the Pilot專欄的文章,很不錯的介紹飛行的科普書
評分電影 熱播之時讀本書,再閤適不過。拿來比較的機長範例,恰恰錶明對於飛行員的專業內評價。加一星,必讀的工具書啊!
評分很多內容是根據Patrick Smith的Ask the Pilot專欄的文章,很不錯的介紹飛行的科普書
Cockpit Confidential 2025 pdf epub mobi 電子書 下載