威廉·萨姆塞特·毛姆(1874—1965),英国著名作家,被誉为“最会讲故事的作家”,整个英语世界最畅销的作家之一。毛姆是一位成功的多产作家,在长篇小说、短篇小说和戏剧领域里都有建树。不过毛姆本人对自己的评价却很谦虚:“我只不过是二流作家中排在前面的一个。” 毛姆最知名、最畅销的小说《人性的枷锁》(1915)在其去世前的销量就已超过了一千万册。除长篇外,毛姆还是一个出色的短篇小说家,他的短篇小说有一百多部。1946年,毛姆设立了萨姆塞特·毛姆奖,奖励优秀的年轻作家,鼓励 并资助他们到各处旅游。1952年,牛津大学授予毛姆名誉博士学位。1954年,英王室授予他“荣誉侍从”称号。1965年12月16日毛姆在法国尼斯去逝。
Up at the Villa 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书
买这书的初衷和亦非君相同。有喜欢的作者和顺眼的装桢已足够。对外国文学的知识很浅薄,只限于相熟同学的推荐和对喜欢的作者的纵向追踪。 咱没文化却有耐心不是么。可读到它不能不说是惊喜。 很短的故事,译文加了原文也才200多页。 女主角说:‘若我遇到一个很穷的人,他孤零...
评分1.When the fruit trees were in blossom and when the poplars burst into leaf, their fresh colour crying aloud amid the grey evergreen of the olives, she had felt a lightness of spirit she had thought never to feel again. 当果树开花、白杨木绽放叶片,那些清新...
评分故事很短,昨天一口气就看完了。 在故事的一开始,我对罗利(居然翻译得跟萝莉一个音真是无语了……)抱有深刻的厌恶。 我讨厌那样的男人,油嘴滑舌,玩世不恭。而且他居然也有那样的资本,继承了一笔遗产,不用工作也可以过得很好。——我太了解这样的男人,他们总是出现在...
评分图书标签: 毛姆 W.S.Maugham 英国 爱情 小说 英文小說 英文 外国文学
Now a major motion picture from USA Films starring Kristin Scott Thomas and Sean Penn, and director Philip Haas (director of Angels and Insects). In Up at the Villa, W. Somerset Maugham portrays a wealthy young English woman who finds herself confronted rather brutally by the repercussions of whimsy. On the day her older and prosperous friend asks her to marry him, Mary Leonard demurs and decides to postpone her reply a few days. But driving into the hills above Florence alone that evening, Mary offers a ride to a handsome stranger. And suddenly, her life is utterly, irrevocably altered. For this stranger is a refugee of war, and he harbors more than one form of passion. Before morning, Mary will witness bloodshed, she will be forced to seek advice and assistance from an unsavory man, and she will have to face the truth about her own yearnings. Erotic, haunting, and maddeningly suspenseful, Up at the Villa is a masterful tale of temptation and the capricious nature of fate.
Up at the Villa 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书