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The Bell Jar


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To this day, Sylvia Plath's writings continue to inspire and provoke. Her only published novel, The Bell Jar, remains a classic of American literature, and The Colossus (1960), Ariel (1965), Crossing the Water (1971), Winter Trees (1971), and The Collected Poems (1981) have placed her among this century's essential American poets.

Sylvia Plath was born on October 27, 1932, the first child of Aurelia and Otto Plath. When Sylvia was eight years old, her father died--an event that would haunt her remaining years--and the family moved to the college town of Wellesley. By high school, Plath's talents were firmly established; in fact, her first published poem had appeared when she was eight. In 1950, she entered Smith College, where she excelled academically and continued to write; and in 1951 she won Mademoiselle magazine's fiction contest. Her experiences during the summer of 1953--as a guest editor at Mademoiselle in New York City and in deepening depression back home--provided the basis for The Bell Jar. Near that summer's end, Plath nearly succeeded in killing herself. After therapy and electroshock, however, she resumed her academic and literary endeavors. Plath graduated from Smith in 1955 and, as a Fulbright Scholar, entered Newnham College, in Cambridge, England, where she met the British poet, Ted Hughes. They were married a year later. After a two-year tenure on the Smith College faculty and a brief stint in Boston, Plath and Hughes returned to England, where their two children were born.

Plath had been successful in placing poems in several prestigious magazines, but suffered repeated rejection in her attempts to place a first book. The Colossus appeared in England, however, in the fall of 1960, and the publisher, William Heinemann, also bought her first novel. By June 1962, she had begun the poems that eventually appeared in Ariel. Later that year, separated from Hughes, Plath immersed herself in caring for her children, completing The Bell Jar, and writing poems at a breathtaking pace.

A few days before Christmas 1962, she moved with the children to a London flat. By the time The Bell Jar was published under the pseudonym Victoria Lucas, in early 1963, she was in desperate circumstances. Her marriage was over, she and her children were ill, and the winter was the coldest in a century. Early on the morning of February 11, Plath turned on the cooking gas and killed herself.

Plath was posthumously awarded a Pulitzer Prize in 1982 for her Collected Poems.

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Esther Greenwood is brilliant, beautiful, enormously talented, and successful, but slowly going under—maybe for the last time. In her acclaimed and enduring masterwork, Sylvia Plath brilliantly draws the reader into Esther's breakdown with such intensity that her insanity becomes palpably real, even rational—as accessible an experience as going to the movies. A deep penetration into the darkest and most harrowing corners of the human psyche, The Bell Jar is an extraordinary accomplishment and a haunting American classic.

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我是個含笑的女人。 我纔三十歲。 像貓一樣可死九次。 ——Sylvia Plath 第一次讀到Sylvia Plath的詩時,就被它字裏行間不加掩飾的宣泄氣質所吸引。正是青澀又乖戾的年紀,不擔心生活,不擔心愛情,不擔心未來,不擔心身邊的一切。剛走齣一陣自閉的時光,仿佛要償還漫長時...  


如果Slyvia Plath生於如今的網絡時代,不知道她還會不會成為詩人。網絡時代讓每個人都有成為詩人、小說傢的可能,盡管這是一個詩意越來越少的時代,個人經驗也因為過度泛濫而貶值。 每個人都有自己的恐懼、莫名的夢、生活中的小驕傲小沮喪。網絡提供瞭訴說和分享的平颱,也就是...  


一口氣讀完瞭《鍾形罩》,我已想不起來上一次如此酣暢淋灕的閱讀是在何時。雖然最近在《le conte de Monte Cristo》,《Sans famille》,《Nouvelles choisies de Maupassant》之間不斷輪流轉換,卻是對於短語及句子結構的興趣大於作品本身,並無多大的閱讀樂趣可言。 如若...  


這世界上寫詩的人永遠比讀詩的人要多. 我猜知道Plath是自殺而死的人也比讀過她詩的人要多. Plath用筆名發錶瞭這本<鍾型罩>, 她比喻自己的抑鬱癥為鍾型罩 - 外麵的世界跟她隻隔著玻璃, 她看的一清二楚, 但是身在鍾型罩中的她卻缺氧抑鬱. 看書之前生怕這是本抱怨生活, 責怪老天...  


一口氣讀完瞭《鍾形罩》,我已想不起來上一次如此酣暢淋灕的閱讀是在何時。雖然最近在《le conte de Monte Cristo》,《Sans famille》,《Nouvelles choisies de Maupassant》之間不斷輪流轉換,卻是對於短語及句子結構的興趣大於作品本身,並無多大的閱讀樂趣可言。 如若...  

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出版者:Harper Perennial Modern Classics
作者:Sylvia Plath
出版時間:October 17, 2006

圖書標籤: 美國  Sylvia_Plath  小說  SylviaPlath  英文原版  詩歌  女性  AUDIOBOOK   

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Liked this book in the first place until I founded out it's no more than the diary of a whiny young woman who merely happened to know how to arrange words properly...This world chews up and spits out thousands of weak people everyday, why should I bother to care about this one?






O, woman--either too sensible or senseless.

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