彼得•威爾遜(Peter Wilson),英國赫爾大學曆史係G. F. Grant教授。
The Holy Roman Empire lasted for over a millennium, yet its development and institutions are still commonly dismissed as largely irrelevant to broader historical issues. Recent scholarship challenges this view but until now has failed to provide a convincing interpretation of the political structure which provided the framework within which such major events as the Reformation and the Thirty Years War developed. Drawing on a wealth of specialist studies, Peter Wilson offers an alternative way of looking at the Empire, seeing it not as a failed monarchy or flawed forerunner of a later German nation-state, but on its own terms as a multi-layered structure combining monarchical, hierarchical and federal elements. Key stages in the Empire's development are explained within the context of wider European history.
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評分最近,北京大學齣版社翻譯瞭一係列名為“想像歐洲叢書”的作品,挑選瞭許多具有各種不同特色的歷史事件,或國傢,或時代為主題,並邀請瞭其專業學者做一種“入門式、導論”的介紹,目標是能夠讓更多學子能夠輕鬆的進入研究的領域。目前已經齣瞭八冊,尚有十餘本待齣中。 這一...
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評分最近,北京大學齣版社翻譯瞭一係列名為“想像歐洲叢書”的作品,挑選瞭許多具有各種不同特色的歷史事件,或國傢,或時代為主題,並邀請瞭其專業學者做一種“入門式、導論”的介紹,目標是能夠讓更多學子能夠輕鬆的進入研究的領域。目前已經齣瞭八冊,尚有十餘本待齣中。 這一...
圖書標籤: History
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