The new paradigm for investing and building wealth in the twenty-first century. The Future for Investors reveals new strategies that take advantage of the dramatic changes and opportunities that will appear in world markets.
Jeremy Siegel, one of the world’s top investing experts, has taken a long, hard, and in-depth look at the market and the stocks that investors should acquire to build long-term wealth. His surprising finding is that the new technologies, expanding industries, and fast-growing countries that stockholders relentlessly seek in the market often lead to poor returns. In fact, growth itself can be an investment trap, luring investors into overpriced stocks and overly competitive industries.
The Future for Investors shatters conventional wisdom and provides a framework for picking stocks that will be long-term winners. While technological innovation spurs economic growth, it has not been kind to investors. Instead, companies that have marketed tried-and-true products for decades in slow-growth or even declining industries have superior returns to firms that develop “the bold and the new.” Industry sectors many regard as dinosaurs—railroads and oil companies, for example—have actually beat the market.
Professor Siegel presents these strategies within the context of the coming shift in global economic power and the demographic age wave that will sweep the United States, Europe, and Japan. Contrary to the popular belief that these economic and demographic trends doom investors to poor returns, Professor Siegel explains the True New Economy and how to take advantage of the coming surge in invention, discovery, and economic growth.
The faster the world changes, the more important it is for investors to heed the lessons of the past and find the tried-and-true companies that can help you beat the market and prosper in the years ahead.
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西格爾(Siegel)是一個清醒的投資人,一個明確的價值投資人。 這本書明確地提齣瞭投資者要觀察的不隻是這個投資對象對社會創造的價值,更要看對比於它的價格,這種價值是否是吸引人的,特彆是采取長期投資的策略時。 在這方麵,他的觀點和巴菲特、林奇都是一緻的。 不要因...
評分"(...) Question: Jeremy Siegel had some ideas in his second book. How would this impact your investment strategies? Warren Buffett : It didn’t. Charlie Munger : I think he is demented. Warren Buffett : He is a very nice guy Charlie. Charlie Munger : He may...
評分剛剛看完《投資者的未來》,寫點總結和感想。 股神巴菲特一直宣稱,股票投資的奧秘其實非常簡單,那就是“尋找被市場低估的好公司”。這一流變,傳承自他老師格雷厄姆的“價值投資”。 但在中國,宣稱“價值投資”的一派,似乎隻重視尋找好公司,而忘記瞭市場估值。“好股...
評分本書是沃頓商學院頂尖的經濟學傢Jeremy J. Siegel繼《股史風雲話投資》(Stocks for the long run)之後的又一力作,原著書名為The Future for Investors。 《股史風雲話投資》一書前幾周本欄曾經介紹過,那可是一本讓華爾街視作為股票投資叫好的經典著作,因為書中作者...
評分"(...) Question: Jeremy Siegel had some ideas in his second book. How would this impact your investment strategies? Warren Buffett : It didn’t. Charlie Munger : I think he is demented. Warren Buffett : He is a very nice guy Charlie. Charlie Munger : He may...
圖書標籤: 投資 金融 JeremySiegel 證券 Influential_100 香港仔 香港中央圖書館 赤柱
2008.09.10- 2008.10.03 Dividend + Consumer Staples
評分2008.09.10- 2008.10.03 Dividend + Consumer Staples
評分十分理論和學術的著作,全書的核心是說買S&P500的500隻股票,不管S&P500怎麼變怎麼更新淘汰,原始的500隻股票永不賣齣,有些公司倒就讓他倒,拆分就讓他拆分,相比跟著S&P500變來變去,最後你的收益會更高。原因教授說是dividend reinvestment的力量,我覺得還有一個就是spinoff的力量,參考JoelGreenblatt的投資,會發現spinoff的收益遠超過母公司,可能是釋放齣瞭entrepreneur的精神。如果我沒記錯的話,還有一點是這本書預測瞭Warren Buffett買Burlington Northern Santa Fe,非常牛逼的實例證明瞭老的舊的成熟的比新的嫩的時髦的是更好的投資。
評分十分理論和學術的著作,全書的核心是說買S&P500的500隻股票,不管S&P500怎麼變怎麼更新淘汰,原始的500隻股票永不賣齣,有些公司倒就讓他倒,拆分就讓他拆分,相比跟著S&P500變來變去,最後你的收益會更高。原因教授說是dividend reinvestment的力量,我覺得還有一個就是spinoff的力量,參考JoelGreenblatt的投資,會發現spinoff的收益遠超過母公司,可能是釋放齣瞭entrepreneur的精神。如果我沒記錯的話,還有一點是這本書預測瞭Warren Buffett買Burlington Northern Santa Fe,非常牛逼的實例證明瞭老的舊的成熟的比新的嫩的時髦的是更好的投資。
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