史景迁(Jonathan D. Spence),1936年出生于英国,是国际知名的中国近现代史专家,1965—2008年在美国耶鲁大学历史系任教。著作极丰,主要有《追寻现代中国》、《雍正王朝之大义觉迷》、《太平天国》、《改变中国》、《曹寅与康熙》、《康熙》、《天安门》、《大汗之国:西方眼中的中国》、《王氏之死》、《利玛窦的记忆宫殿》、《胡若望的疑问》。
The Memory Palace of Matteo Ricci 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书
评分 评分无意中买到这本书,对我来说真是意外之喜,对于这本书以及记忆宫殿的兴趣,正如后记中所说的,一般是来自于TVB的读心神探,塔它让这种似乎神迹般的记忆术在我心中充满了好奇和神秘感,但是每次买到了书好像都徒有其表,这次阴差阳错竟然买到了电视剧中同款书籍,真是圆了我一个...
评分最近才注意到史景迁。 此前看到杨念群批判中国当代史学的文章(http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_4d4a41600100096r.html)。鉴于“当今中国史学完全丧失了讲故事的能力”、“中国当今史学完全丧失了想像力”、“中国当今史学像个鹦鹉学舌的理论秀艺人”这三大罪状,杨呼吁给中...
图书标签: 历史 社会 文化 史景迁 中国
In 1577, the Jesuit Priest Matteo Ricci set out from Italy to bring Christian faith and Western thought to Ming dynasty China. To capture the complex emotional and religious drama of Ricci's extraordinary life, Jonathan Spence relates his subject's experiences with several images that Ricci himself created--four images derived from the events in the bible and others from a book on the art of memory that Ricci wrote in Chinese and circulated among members of the Ming dynasty elite.
A rich and compelling narrative about a remarkable life, The Memory Palace Of Matteo Ricci is also a significant work of global history, juxtaposing the world of Counter-Reformation Europe with that of Ming China.
The Memory Palace of Matteo Ricci 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书