卡爾·波普爾爵士(Sir Karl Raimund Popper)是當代西方傑齣的科學哲學傢和社會哲學傢。他的《曆史決定論的貧睏》(The Poverty of Historicism)和《開放社會及其敵人》(The Open Society and its Enemies)是西方民主思想寶庫中的經典著作。波普爾曾經由於這兩部書獲得過英國女皇頒授的爵位。
One of the most important books of the twentieth century, Karl Popper's The Open Society and Its Enemies is an uncompromising defense of liberal democracy and a powerful attack on the intellectual origins of totalitarianism. Popper was born in 1902 to a Viennese family of Jewish origin. He taught in Austria until 1937, when he emigrated to New Zealand in anticipation of the Nazi annexation of Austria the following year, and he settled in England in 1949. Before the annexation, Popper had written mainly about the philosophy of science, but from 1938 until the end of the Second World War he focused his energies on political philosophy, seeking to diagnose the intellectual origins of German and Soviet totalitarianism. The Open Society and Its Enemies was the result.
An immediate sensation when it was first published in two volumes in 1945, Popper's monumental achievement has attained legendary status on both the Left and Right and is credited with inspiring anticommunist dissidents during the Cold War. Arguing that the spirit of free, critical inquiry that governs scientific investigation should also apply to politics, Popper traces the roots of an opposite, authoritarian tendency to a tradition represented by Plato, Marx, and Hegel.
In a substantial new introduction written for this edition, acclaimed political philosopher Alan Ryan puts Popper's landmark work in biographical, intellectual, and historical context. Also included is a personal essay by eminent art historian E. H. Gombrich, in which he recounts the story of the book's eventual publication despite numerous rejections and wartime deprivations.
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暗無天日的牢房,年邁的他緩緩舉起酒杯,這是他鍾愛的國傢賜他的毒酒。 有人勸他屈服,他拒絕瞭;有人慫恿他逃到國外,他拒絕瞭。 卡爾•波普爾說“蘇格拉底可能歡迎那次審判,使他有機會證明他對城邦的無限忠誠。” 為瞭見證他對國傢的忠誠,他接受國傢的審判,即使國傢給他...
評分 評分一旦我們不再像預言傢那樣裝腔作勢的話,我們就能夠成為自己命運的創造者。 ——K.R.波普爾 在K.R.波普爾的眼中,開放社會的敵人無疑是權威。 然而,權威的形成,在很大程度上正是因為我們的盲從。我們,為什麼會發自內心地相信...
評分亞裏士多德認為本質(forms or essences)是終點(final cause or ends),因此隻有通過變動來實現本質。相比之下,亞裏士多德是樂觀的(progressive),而柏拉圖則是悲觀的(decay)。波普爾認為柏拉圖和亞裏士多德權威的來源在於其哲學契閤中世紀極權主義的利益。黑格爾則代...
圖書標籤: 哲學 英文書 社會學 政治哲學 Karl_Popper 民主 政治 個人>三觀
評分思辨性極強、信息量極大的一本書。1)naive monism, the characteristic of the 'closed society'. critical dualism, of the 'open society';2)There is no meaning in history. (we make our fate. )3)目前讀還很吃力。內功不夠!
評分思辨性極強、信息量極大的一本書。1)naive monism, the characteristic of the 'closed society'. critical dualism, of the 'open society';2)There is no meaning in history. (we make our fate. )3)目前讀還很吃力。內功不夠!
The Open Society and Its Enemies 2025 pdf epub mobi 電子書 下載