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Why is Sex Fun? 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书
书的内容很不错,也很长知识,但不得不注意一个问题:整书内容是建立在作者承认达尔文进化论,”物竞天择,适者生存“的基础之上。而达尔文进化论本是就是一种假说,是否就是完全正确地科学理论还有待商榷。 至少达尔文理论存在很多漏洞,无法解释以下问题 1. 生命大爆炸,物...
评分 评分动物的社会行为是动物为了生存和繁衍而进化的结果。通常情况下,自然界不同的生物繁殖的方式是不同的,是由于不同的生存方式导致的。人类是如何进化出如今的一夫一妻制度? 生物总是以最大限度保证负载其基因的后代的存活。由于人类幼儿出生后无法独立生存,必须依赖他人喂养...
图书标签: Jared-M-Diamond 科普 都给我严肃点 社會 求同修 致富奔小康 膜拜中 popular_science
Why are humans one of the few species to have sex in private? Why do humans have sex any day of the month or year - including when the female is pregnant, beyond her reproductive years, or between her fertile cycles? Why are human females one of the few mammals to go through menopause? Human sexuality seems normal to us but it is bizarre by the standards of other animals. Jared Diamond argues that our strange sex lives were as crucial to our rise to human status as were our large brains. He also describes the battle of the sexes in the human and animal world over parental care, and why sex differences in the genetic value of parental care provide a biological basis for the all-too-familiar different attitudes of men and women towards extramarital sex.
Why is Sex Fun? 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书