V.S.奈保爾(V. S. Naipaul)
The early masterpiece of V. S. Naipaul’s brilliant career, A House for Mr. Biswas is an unforgettable story inspired by Naipaul's father that has been hailed as one of the twentieth century's finest novels.
In his forty-six short years, Mr. Mohun Biswas has been fighting against destiny to achieve some semblance of independence, only to face a lifetime of calamity. Shuttled from one residence to another after the drowning death of his father, for which he is inadvertently responsible, Mr. Biswas yearns for a place he can call home. But when he marries into the domineering Tulsi family on whom he indignantly becomes dependent, Mr. Biswas embarks on an arduous–and endless–struggle to weaken their hold over him and purchase a house of his own. A heartrending, dark comedy of manners, A House for Mr. Biswas masterfully evokes a man’s quest for autonomy against an emblematic post-colonial canvas.
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評分 評分小說寫小人物畢司沃斯,在入贅到強勢而充滿傳統慣性的圖爾斯大傢庭後,個人尋求自尊、身份認同、獨立的掙紮曆程,以富有戲劇性的筆調將畢司沃斯先生的脆弱與倔強,妻子的尷尬,圖爾斯傢族不同形態的趨炎附勢、自私自利展現得淋灕盡緻,以滑稽、戲謔的手法寫悲凉與無奈,給閱讀...
評分 評分《畢司沃斯先生的房子》是一部半自傳體的小說,濃墨重彩地敘述瞭奈保爾父親彆扭的一生。這個稀裏糊塗“嫁到”印度群居大傢庭的男人沒有遵循群居生活守則,既有個性又不敬畏傢長,被傢族群體甚至自己的老婆孩子當成異己排斥。所以畢司沃斯先生一直在為有一套自己的房子而拼搏,...
圖書標籤: Naipaul fd
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