E.C. Mossner was formerly Professor of English at the University of Texas.
The Life of David Hume 2024 pdf epub mobi 电子书
休谟家谱 *说明一点,Home与Hume作为姓氏发音相同,只是写法区别。 苏格兰历史上经常会提到的休姆勋爵( Earl of Home),严格来说并不是休谟家的直系祖先,毋宁说是亲戚。大卫·休谟所在的家族最早可追溯的祖先是亚历山大·休谟(Alexander Home of Home),他跟随第四代道格...
评分华东师范大学政治学系副教授 周保巍 原文载于:上海书评(2018年3月) 原文地址: [https://www.thepaper.cn/newsDetail_forward_2042398] 终其一生,“做一个哲学家,但在您所有的哲学中,您依然是一个凡夫俗子”,一直是休谟信奉不逾的哲学和人生信条。而莫斯纳教授这部已成...
评分北京航空航天大学人文与社会科学高等研究院副教授 康子兴 原文载于:上海书评(2018年4月) 原文地址: [https://www.thepaper.cn/newsDetail_forward_2062798] 欧内斯特·C. 莫斯纳的《休谟传》有一个十分明显的特点:在每一章开头,他都要援引休谟《自传》(My Own Life)中...
评分文/朱与非 在休谟的六卷本煌煌巨著《英国史》(吉林出版集团2012年)被译介到汉语世界之前,我从来不知道休谟还是如此成功的历史学者。然而,19世纪的英语读者却是首先通过他的《英国史》而认识休谟,而不是通过他的哲学。从当时留存的图书馆索引目录看,休谟通常归属历史学家...
评分文/朱与非 在休谟的六卷本煌煌巨著《英国史》(吉林出版集团2012年)被译介到汉语世界之前,我从来不知道休谟还是如此成功的历史学者。然而,19世纪的英语读者却是首先通过他的《英国史》而认识休谟,而不是通过他的哲学。从当时留存的图书馆索引目录看,休谟通常归属历史学家...
图书标签: 传记 休谟 哲学 Hume Mossner 英文 十八世纪 近代早期
Mossner's Life of David Hume remains the standard biography of this great thinker and writer. First published in 1954, and updated in 1980, it is now reissued in paperback, in response to increased interest in Hume. E. C. Mossner was Emeritus Professor of English at the University of Texas at Austin. 'Mossner's work is a quite remarkable scholarly achievement; it will be an indispensable tool for Hume scholars and a treasure-trove of information for all students of the intellectual and literary history of the eighteenth century' Richard H. Popkin in the Philological Quarterly 'This magnificent and exemplary work...has more than a biographical value. It is a study of intellectual reaction in the eighteenth century: a book for many readers, and not only for those of a philosophical turn.' C. E. Vulliamy in The Observer 'This is the work of a man thoroughly in love with his subject...this biography is the product of long and happy research. The length and the happiness both contribute to its merits.' The Times Literary Supplement
The Life of David Hume 2024 pdf epub mobi 电子书