Francis Fukuyama is a professor of public policy at George Mason University and the author of The End of History and the Last Man and Trust: The Social Virtues and the Creation of Prosperity. He lives in McLean, Virginia.
The Great Disruption 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书
全书主要由三个部分组成: 1.社会资本的流失。 2.人类本质是什么?社会秩序如何产生?我们认识了人类本质和社会秩序后,该如何解决社会资本流失的问题? 3.如何重建? 最后福山告诉我们:社会秩序和道德感就是起起落落,有时好有时坏,不一定是向上发展。 具体说了啥看思维导图...
评分社会在发展过程中,总要经历各个周期。个人主义的崛起,社群主义的衰退,是否会出现制度上的危机?不同于乡间邻里熟络相知的旧式社会,自顾不暇的个人主义忙碌于快节奏的现代社会,是时代的进步但在同时或许也导致了人情的退化。 新意识形态的“个人主义”更倾向于内嵌于“我的...
评分社会在发展过程中,总要经历各个周期。个人主义的崛起,社群主义的衰退,是否会出现制度上的危机?不同于乡间邻里熟络相知的旧式社会,自顾不暇的个人主义忙碌于快节奏的现代社会,是时代的进步但在同时或许也导致了人情的退化。 新意识形态的“个人主义”更倾向于内嵌于“我的...
评分 评分如果把这本书,当成一份超长的论文来读,就不会感觉到那么吃力。充满了各种注解和标注作为补充,乍一看让人不知所措,但从结构上,是典型的层层深入,充满了顺畅的逻辑。 当然,这本书并不是一本“好书”,因为作者更多的在不同的章节堆积概念,然后转述大家的研究成果...
图书标签: 社会资本 社会学 英文书籍 美国 社会学/人类学 日本 文化 政治学
Over the past fifty years, the United States and other developed countries have made the transformation from industrial to information societies; knowledge has replaced mass production as the basis of wealth, power, and social interaction. At the same time, Western societies have endured increasing levels of crime, massive changes in fertility and family structure, decreasing levels of trust, and the triumph of individualism over community. Just as the Industrial Revolution brought about momentous changes in society's moral values, a similar "Great Disruption" during the last half of the twentieth century has caused profound changes in our social structure today. Even though the once stable order of the industrial age has broken apart, a new social order is already under construction. In his masterful tour de force, Francis Fukuyama offers a surprising answer to the questions, where does social order come from? And, once lost, can it be restored? Governments and organized religion, he discovers, do not impose social order. Instead it is the natural outcome of the human biological drive to establish moral values. He shows that the Great Disruption of the 1960s and 1970s is giving way to a Great Reconstruction, as Western society weaves a new fabric of social and moral values appropriate to the changed realities of the post-industrial world.
The Great Disruption 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书