Vanity Fair (Penguin Classics) 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书
此书的英文版,是上年头就买了。冲着杨必的名气看了几页中文,觉得还可以,就买了英文版来读。结果中途多次读不下去,多次放下不想看,可是最后咬咬牙看完了。很少看小说看得那么纠结郁闷。 不少人对此书的赞誉很高,不过大部分都是看杨必的中文版。不得不说,的确翻译得不错...
评分第一眼就喜欢上荣版的名利场了 就冲入眼那个膘肥马壮,挽具锃亮 或许是更喜欢中国古典文化和文言文 荣老先生语言简练,无处不体现了他极深的文学造诣,让人拍手称赞 随便举两个例子 1、 荣如德: 失去怙恃的小劳拉马丁 杨必:没爹娘的小劳拉马丁 2、 荣:不消说,他是...
评分“名利场”按《现代汉语词典》的定义是指“指世人争名逐利的场所”。在外语教学与研究出版社出版的《汉英词典》中这个词只用“Vanity Fair”来对译是很不妥当的。英语中的“Vanity Fair”按《美国传统词典》的定义是:“A place or scene of ostentation or empty, idle amusem...
评分 评分都宾先生在全书结尾处,万念俱灰,放弃了追求了多年的爱人,不由得要拿席勒名诗《华伦斯坦》中的句子来安慰自己。刚才我一激动,也想拿这句话做签名,但是转念又想,华伦斯坦是何等人,配说这句话的我,现在大概还没出世。都宾倒是有五分资格来说这话,他亲历滑铁卢战役,一生...
Among the vibrant cast of characters who scheme and scramble for life's prizes in this entertaining saga, no one is better equipped than Becky Sharp, Thackeray's supreme creation. Brilliant, alluring, and ruthless, she defies her poverty-stricken background to climb the social ladder, while her sentimental companion Amelia longs only for caddish soldier George. As the two heroines make their way through the tawdry glamour of English society during the Napoleonic wars, military and domestic battles are fought and fortunes are made and lost. Amid the fast-paced comic action stands Dobbin, a true gentleman in a corrupt world, whose unrequited love for Amelia brings pathos and depth to Thackeray's epic satire.
This edition includes a new introduction, a chronology of Thackeray's life and works, a select reading list, and an appendix containing parodic material Thackeray cut from the 1853 edition.
Vanity Fair (Penguin Classics) 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书