唐納德•基恩(Donald Keene),生於1922年,哥倫比亞大學榮譽教授,世界知名的日本學傢、翻譯傢、作傢、曆史學者,2008年日本文化勛章獲得者。研究方嚮為日本文學、日本文化,著有《日本文學史》、《明治天皇》、《百代之過客》、《日本人的美意識》等,先後獲讀賣文學奬、朝日奬、每日齣版文化奬等諸多奬項,譯作包括《徒然草》、《奧州小路》以及太宰治、安部公房、川端康成、三島由紀夫等人的作品。
When Emperor Meiji began his rule, in 1867, Japan was a splintered empire, dominated by the shogun and the daimyos, who ruled over the country's more than 250 decentralized domains and who were, in the main, cut off from the outside world, staunchly antiforeign, and committed to the traditions of the past. Before long, the shogun surrendered to the emperor, a new constitution was adopted, and Japan emerged as a modern, industrialized state. Despite the length of his reign, little has been written about the strangely obscured figure of Meiji himself, the first emperor ever to meet a European. Most historians discuss the period that takes his name while barely mentioning the man, assuming that he had no real involvement in affairs of state. Even Japanese who believe Meiji to have been their nation's greatest ruler may have trouble recalling a single personal accomplishment that might account for such a glorious reputation. Renowned Japan scholar Donald Keene sifts the available evidence to present a rich portrait not only of Meiji but also of rapid and sometimes violent change during this pivotal period in Japan's history. In this vivid and engrossing biography, we move with the emperor through his early, traditional education; join in the formal processions that acquainted the young emperor with his country and its people; observe his behavior in court, his marriage, and his relationships with various consorts; and follow his maturation into a "Confucian" sovereign dedicated to simplicity, frugality, and hard work. Later, during Japan's wars with China and Russia, we witness Meiji's struggle to reconcile his personal commitment to peace and his nation's increasingly militarized experience of modernization. Emperor of Japan conveys in sparkling prose the complexity of the man and offers an unrivaled portrait of Japan in a period of unique interest.
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零零散散,跨度一個多月纔讀完這本《明治天皇:1852-1912》。 明治時期,正是日本從打開國內到走嚮強盛的半個世紀的曆史階段。 雖寫明治,但更多的是側寫麵臨三韆年未有之大變局中的日本是如何知恥奮勇、流血暴力、野心膨脹、自信狂妄的。我們從中,也許能找到二次世界大戰中日...
評分 評分——讀Donald Keene所著《明治天皇:1852-1912》, 上海三聯書店,2018年8月版 一直對近鄰日本很有興趣,特彆是日本的戰國時代以及明治維新的前前後後。 不過中文圖書世界裏關於這兩個時代的正史圖書以我的瞭解確實不多。很奇怪,中國在這個鄰居身上吃過大虧,但是似乎還是缺乏...
評分明治天皇在世人心中是怎樣的形象,是照片裏麵無錶情的戎裝男子,還是藏在垂簾深處的神秘隱士,是不問政事的虛位國君,還是雄纔大略的中興之主?本書為我們揭開層層麵紗,展現瞭睦仁天皇作為一個凡人的形象。 睦仁天皇既非道德聖人,也非享樂之君,既非博聞強識,也非提綫傀儡。...
圖書標籤: 日本 Japan 經濟,政治和曆史 理想國 政治史 內鮮一體 一般教養 Security
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