丹·布朗(DanBrown, 1964- ),美国畅销作家。毕业于阿默斯特学院,曾是一名英语教师。1996年开始写作,先后推出了《数字城堡》、《诡计》和《天使程序》3部小说,均取得了不错的销售成绩,其中以《天使程序》最为成功,奠定了他在小说界的地位。《达・芬奇密码》是他的第4部作品,出版后成为有史以来最为畅销的小说之一。布朗的作品已被翻译成多种文字,在世界范围内广为流传。
Angels & Demons Special Illustrated Edition 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书
评分24小时能发生多少事?觉得一眨眼就能过去,但读完丹布朗的这本《天使与魔鬼》,居然发现所有事情都在24小时之内发生,实在让人惊讶。 尽管由这本书改编的电影早在大三就看过,但如很多人所说,书的表现力是远远超过电影的,在书中我看到了很多电影中没有的描述,甚至电影把...
评分 评分天使与魔鬼是一奶同胞?有时善恶只在一线之间。 而科学和宗教的关系更加微妙,一直以来自己就是个唯心主义者,坚定地认为科学和宗教本来就不是对立的,在科学进步到一定程度时,一定会发现一线之隔就是宗教。世界上有太多人类解释不了的东西,而人类又总是自作聪明地试图用自己...
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Before The Da Vinci Code there was Angels & Demons, the explosive thriller that introduced the mysterious world of Harvard symbologist Robesrt Langdon. Now Dan Brown s legions of fans can add a breathtaking new dimension to the Angels & Demons reading experience with this Special Illustrated Edition, featuring 150 images of the architectural highlights, religious symbols, paintings, maps, culptures, and locations found in this contemporary classic.An ancient secret brotherhood. A devastating new weapon of destruction. An unthinkable target. When world-renowned Harvard symbologist Robert Langdon is summoned to a Swiss research facility to analyze a mysterious symbol -- seared into the chest of a murdered physicist -- he discovers evidence of the unimaginable: the resurgence of an ancient secret brotherhood known as the Illuminati...the most powerful underground organization ever to walk the earth. The Illuminati has now surfaced to carry out the final phase of its legendary vendetta against and age-old enemy.Langdon s worst fears are confirmed on the eve of the Vatican s holy conclave, when a messenger of the Illuminati announces they have hidden an unstoppable time bomb at the very heart of Vatican City. With the countdown under way, Langdon jets to Rome to join forces with Vittoria Vetra, a beautiful and mysterious Italian scientist, to assist the Vatican in a desperate bid for survival.No Dan Brown library is complete without this lavishly illustrated special edition. No true lover od suspense fiction will be able to resist the exhilarating blend of scholarly intrigue and relentless adventure found in Angels & Demons.
Angels & Demons Special Illustrated Edition 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书