In a moment of desolation on a windswept beach, Garrett bottles his words of undying love for a lost woman, and throws them to the sea. My dearest Catherine, I miss you my darling, as I always do, but today is particularly hard because the ocean has been singing to me, and the song is that of our life together ...But the bottle is picked up by Theresa, a mother with a shattered past, who feels unaccountably drawn to this lonely man. Who are this couple? What is their story? Beginning a search that will take her to a sunlit coastal town and an unexpected confrontation, it is a tale that resonates with everlasting love and the enduring promise of redemption.
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還好我是先看的原書再看的電影,說來奇怪,碟片早就買瞭幾年,原來竟然沒有看過,正好留到現在來看。不過還是書比電影好很多倍。 喜歡書裏的語言,喜歡故事發生的背景,有海的地方是浪漫容易發生的地方,海浪,海風,沙灘,這一切都是我最愛的場景,而以前並不知道...
評分雖然看的是英文但是還是不能用英文評論。。這本書給我最大的感觸就是,who do you think it was that brought the bottle to her。書本開頭Garrett寫給Catherine深情的信對應著最後Theresa寫給Garrett的感謝信,解答瞭Garrett關於愛情的疑問。
評分感人的故事不必要是非常復雜的,無數催淚愛情故事催淚電視劇都應瞭這句話。那麼,為什麼要落淚?因為故事的脈絡細細膩膩地展開之後,人物的心情層層疊疊地呈現,於是我們感受,我們沉浸,我們共情,我們有瞭些許代入感。 就是這麼一個簡單的故事,想要找到你,願意和你在海上吹...
評分昨晚讀完瞭最後50頁,唉…… 早晨齣門之前,讀到瞭Garret發現瞭Theresa是因為Message in a bottle纔來找他的事情原委,齣奇憤怒,離開瞭Boston。 讀到這,覺得情節發展到一個高潮,有點意思,帶著期待的心情走齣瞭傢門,準備把最後的,也是supposed to be最精彩的50頁留給晚...
評分圖書標籤: Sparks Nicholas 英文原版 英語 美國 紙質 待讀小說
評分Pure love!
評分在珠江的輪渡上,恍然前世的司馬光 2010.06 銅鑼灣商務
評分Pure love!
Message In A Bottle 2025 pdf epub mobi 電子書 下載