The story focuses around the 21 year old Makoto, a cool and level headed member of the G-boys gang. Makoto, talented with defusing tense situations and keeping his friends out of harm's way possibly stumbles into more than he can handle. Is Makoto really in over his head? His new girlfriend's just been found murdered and a turf war is escalating between the two rival gangs. Volume one of Ikebukuro starts with Makoto meeting a couple of girls at a New Year's Eve party, one of which he falls in love with. One month later she is found strangled to death and Makoto feels guilty for hearing her die over his phone while not being able to do anything about it. He vows to use his underground connections, the "G-boys," to catch the murderer. Soon after he finds the likely culprit - a perverted old doctor - but as the story unravels Makoto finds out the old man's innocent and the plot thickens, uncovering the twisted shocking truth! Comes with a dust jacket.
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圖書標籤: 漫畫 日本
評分好不容易找到這條目...尖端不是有麼= =
評分好不容易找到這條目...尖端不是有麼= =
IWGP - Ikebukuro West Gate Park Volume 1 2025 pdf epub mobi 電子書 下載