'When the wheel of sexual ecstasy is in full motion, there is no textbook at all, and no order.' The Kamasutra is the oldest extant Hindu textbook of erotic love. It is about the art of living - about finding a partner, maintaining power in a marriage, committing adultery, living as or with a courtesan, using drugs - and also about the positions in sexual intercourse. It was composed in Sanskrit, the literary language of ancient India, sometime in the third century CE. It combines an encyclopaedic coverage of all imaginable aspects of sex with a closely observed sexual psychology and a dramatic, novelistic narrative of seduction, consummation, and disentanglement. Best known in English through the highly mannered, padded, and inaccurate nineteenth-century translation of Sir Richard Burton, the text is presented here in an entirely new translation into clear, vivid, sexually frank English, together with three commentaries: translated excerpts from the earliest and most famous Sanskrit commentary (13th century) and from a twentieth-century Hindi commentary, and explanatory notes by the two translators.
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之所以沒給很差,是因為我還沒看完,也許剩下的能給我surprise 對於一本把小學生的行文方式演繹得淋灕盡緻,相同的內容倒個順序再來一遍湊字數的玩意兒,其實我不該抱有太大希望,然而,然而! 作為一本號稱愛經的玩意兒!裏麵竟然沒有涉及任何體位!一!點!也!不!專!業...
評分之所以沒給很差,是因為我還沒看完,也許剩下的能給我surprise 對於一本把小學生的行文方式演繹得淋灕盡緻,相同的內容倒個順序再來一遍湊字數的玩意兒,其實我不該抱有太大希望,然而,然而! 作為一本號稱愛經的玩意兒!裏麵竟然沒有涉及任何體位!一!點!也!不!專!業...
評分 評分這個版本其實並不算好,較好的在颱灣有齣,因為齣版業規定的關係吧,沒有把原先所有的內容全部放進來,所以最XXX的內容是被漏掉的,作者名居然用音譯,真的還滿奇怪的。
圖書標籤: kamasutra 性愛
Kamasutra (Oxford World's Classics) 2025 pdf epub mobi 電子書 下載