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曾獲《人力資源》(HR)雜誌“全球十大最具有影響力的思想傢”之一及《卓越執行官》(Executive Excellence)雜誌“當代100位思想傢”之一榮譽稱號。
Praise for Adversity Quotient. "With AQ, Paul Stoltz has done something remarkable: He synthesizes some of the most important information on how we influence our own future and then offers a profound set of observations which teaches us how to thrive in a fast-changing world!"—Joel Barker, President, Infinity, LTD, author of Paradigm Shift. "Adversity Quotient will show that you have more control over events than you think. The key is changing your beliefs. Believe it or not, that can usually be done in One Minute." —Ken Blanchard, co-author, The One Minute Manager. "Paul Stoltz's AQ explains why some people, teams, organizations, and societies fail or quit, and how others in the situation persevere and succeed. With this book, anyone or or organization can learn to reroute their AQ and hardwire their brain for success." —Daniel Burrus, author, Technotrends. "AQ is one of the more important concepts of our time. Paul Stoltz's book provides the direction and tools necessary for putting this idea into practice. It is a must read for anyone interested in personal mastery, leadership effectiveness and/or organizational productivity." —Jim Ericson, Program Director, The Masters Forum.
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評分 評分《逆商》的中國話:臉皮要厚、誌嚮要高 中國有句古話:人生不如意,十之八九。可以認為大部分人,總會遇到逆境。 《逆商》在書中,作者從4個角度闡述逆商。CORE——Control(掌控感)、Ownership(擔當力)、Reach(影響度)、Endurance(持續性)。 又使用LEAD工具,教育人們...
評分 評分圖書標籤: 心理學 勵誌 個人管理 領導力 非虛構 逆商 自助 文藝
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