Anake Nawigamune
生於1953年3月14日宋卡府拉諾區, 1977年畢業於曼榖硃拉隆功大學政治學專業。
他從事對藝術、文化和曆史研究方麵的寫作。他對泰國傳統民歌以及泰國早期的攝影老照片很感興趣, 講解與介紹早期進入泰國各種各樣的西方發明, 收集古董和曆史軼事, 從15歲開始便獨自的在日常生活中大量地收集紀錄有建築與城鎮變遷的圖片資料。
1972年他開始正式的研究他的國傢的藝術和文化, 並且喜歡在他的領域內發錶主題性文章。他現在是一個自由撰稿人。
Anake Nawigamune
was born on March 14, 1953 in Ranot District, Songkhla and graduated in Political Science from Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, in 1977.
He does research on and writes about art, culture and history. He is particularly interested in Thai traditional folk songs, early photography in Thailand, in dating the introduction into Thailand various western inventions, in collecting antiquities and in historical anecdotes, since the age of 15 gathering pictures taken by himself and others recording changes in the appearance of towns and buildings as well as in daily life.
He began serious study of the art and culture of his country in 1972 and enjoys writing on subjects in his field.
He is presently a freelance writer.
電影誕生於1895年。但僅僅就在兩年後, 它便傳到瞭當時的泰國(Siam,暹羅), 很快地就在當地流行瞭起來。泰國人在1900開始拍攝自己的電影, 並建立瞭一個基於本土的電影産業, 到二戰爆發前是當時泰國電影的黃金時代。在戰後, 盡管有來自電視的競爭,電影仍然是最受歡迎的公共娛樂。全國各地新建瞭大約700個電影院, 並且還會在許多廟會和其他公眾活動中進行露天放映。這是第一本提供泰國電影曆史和當時相關視覺記錄的書籍, 內含大量稀有的電影海報圖片資料。
The birth of cinema was in 1895. Just two years later it had reached Siam, where it quickly became popular. Thais began shooting their own films in 1900 and managed to establish an indigenous film industry, whose "golden age" was in the 1930s before the outbreak of the Second World War. In the post-war era, cinema remained the most popular public entertainment, despite competition from television. Some 700 cinemas were built throughout the country, as well as the many open-air screenings during temple fairs and other popular events.This is the first book to provide both a history of Thai cinema and a visual record of all the associated memorabilia, particularly the highly collectible movie posters.
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圖書標籤: 泰國 Thailand Photography
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