Every Day Gets A Little Closer 2024 pdf epub mobi 电子书
评分阅读这本书,经历了几个复杂的心情转变过程:压抑、渴望、矛盾、依赖、释然、独立…… 在序言中,李孟潮评论说:并没有1974年的雅罗姆和金妮坐在那里等着你去阅读,你读到的有他们的故事,更多的却是你的欲望、你的幻想、你的自由联想。正是“亲爱的,外面没有别人,...
评分一口气看完《尼采的哭泣》、《叔本华的眼泪》,还有《诊椅上的谎言》,自然对《日渐亲近》满怀期待,但是,好不容易拿到手,却断断续续的,硬是读不下去,与这本书就是缺乏“亲近”感。 细想一下,也就明白了:那几本都是心理小说,而《日渐亲近》是治疗实录,当然不一样。...
评分 评分用了四天把这本书读完。 最后的感触是——感动。 全文在眼前铺展开来,是一幅漫长的画卷。 在亚隆(治疗师)和金妮(来访者)之间产生的一切,是那么的真实而又漫长。 真的很漫长,一个循环的,波动的过程。不知道是大起大落,还是和风细雨。 读到前面一小半的时候,真的有...
图书标签: 心理学 Yalom 心理咨询案例 真我 提升 原版 Psychoanalysis Irvin
An early work by the author of the bestselling Love's Executioner and the pseudonymous patient that he treated. "A riveting story of people whose strengths and weaknesses are mutually shared."--Alex Comfort
评分These write-ups come closer to real therapy than the case summaries. Months of repetitive work, hours to sit through and if lucky a change/a will to change that comes from nowhere. The pendulum effect of good and bad, the overwhelming secondary gratification and the mechanically severed care…even more ridiculous. Still love the here-and-now focus…
评分These write-ups come closer to real therapy than the case summaries. Months of repetitive work, hours to sit through and if lucky a change/a will to change that comes from nowhere. The pendulum effect of good and bad, the overwhelming secondary gratification and the mechanically severed care…even more ridiculous. Still love the here-and-now focus…
Every Day Gets A Little Closer 2024 pdf epub mobi 电子书