愛德華·威爾遜(Edward O.Wilson),1929年生於美國阿拉巴馬州伯明翰,1949年畢業於阿拉巴馬大學,1955年獲哈佛大學生物學博士學位,同年開始在哈佛大學執教。目前,他任教於佩萊格裏諾大學(Unuversnty of Pellegrino),並為哈佛大學的昆蟲學研究員。
威爾遜是當今美國生物學翹楚。他於1969年當選為美國國傢科學院院士,獲過全世界最高的環境生物學奬項,包括美國的國傢科學奬、瑞典皇傢科學院頒發的剋拉負德奬(Craford Prize)。1996年,威爾遜被《時代》雜誌評為對當代美國影響最大的25位美國人之一。
威爾遜擅長著述,曾以《論人性》(On Human Nature)和《螞蟻》(The Ant)兩度獲普利策奬。
InNaturalist, Wilson describes for the first time both
his growth as a scientist and the evolution of the science
he has helped def ine. He traces the trajectory of
his life—from a childhood spent exploring the Gulf
oast of Alabama and Florida to life as a tenured
professor at Harvard—detailing how his youthful
fascination with nature blossomed into a lifelong
calling. He recounts with drama and wit the adventures
of his days as a student at the University of
Alabama and his four decades at Harvard University,
where he has achieved renown as both teacher and researcher.
As the narrative of Wilson's life unfolds, the reader is treated to an
inside look at the origin and development of ideas that guide today's
biological research. Theories that are now widely accepted in the scientific
world were once untested hypotheses emerging from one man's
broad-gauged studies. Throughout Naturalist, we see Wilson's mind
and energies constantly striving to help establish many of the central
principles of the field of evolutionary biology.
The story of Wilson's life provides fascinating insights into the making
of a scientist, and a valuable look at some of the most thought-provoking
ideas of our time.
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評分人在成年之後,就早已遺忘瞭 青少年的心情多麼容易墜落於鬱悶的深淵 他們老師低估心智中白日夢和無目的的閑逛之際 所獲得的成長空間 威爾遜對於童年往事的記憶猶新 娓娓道來 美好的童年就仿佛像畫捲般展現在大傢麵前
圖書標籤: 生物 已開始 傳記 science Edward_Wilson BiologyEcology
評分finished it during my flight.somehow it reminded me of the languor of those golden afternoons in our upstate garden and the warm happiness watching birds by lake geneva..For the summer of 2018 I aspire to no higher goal than including lovely little books into a modest schedule.
評分finished it during my flight.somehow it reminded me of the languor of those golden afternoons in our upstate garden and the warm happiness watching birds by lake geneva..For the summer of 2018 I aspire to no higher goal than including lovely little books into a modest schedule.
Naturalist 2024 pdf epub mobi 電子書 下載