《风之名》最初想要出版时却处处碰壁,直到 他将作品的部分改编成短篇参赛并获奖,让罗斯福斯有机会可以参加一个在洛杉矶举办的写作班。在写作班中他认识了著名科幻作家凯文?安德森,安德森则将自己的经纪人介绍给罗斯福斯认识;而擅长挖掘新锐小说家的美国经纪人麦特?拜勒(Matt Bialer)读到他的《风之名》初稿后,惊艳于他将奇幻和文学元素巧妙融合,立刻签下他,且不负众望推他跻身畅销的奇幻新锐作家。美国著名出版人伊丽莎白?魏赫姆(Betsy Wollheim)也夸赞:《风之名》是她在三十年的编辑生涯中看到过的最棒的处女作,罗斯福斯应该是和乔治?R.R.马丁、泰德?威廉姆斯并列的奇幻作家。
The Name of the Wind 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书
总体感觉很好,似乎处处都有线索,却不知道抓住哪根才好。 科沃斯也许有着主角光环,毕竟那种聪明才智是天生的,并不是每个人通过修炼就能有的。但是和哈利波特不同的是,他猛然失去父母之后的那段生活对他的磨练,让他更加脚踏实地的先成为一个真实的人,而后才成为英雄。现...
评分 评分毫不夸张的说,这书断断续续看了我几个月,毋庸置疑这是一部优缺点同样明显的作品,很明显作者写得很用心,叙述方式自有一种独特的魅力,文字的优雅细腻就不用提了,整部作品相当流畅,很多章节分开来看都写得相当精彩,有种会心一笑的感觉。 然而这些章节凑在一起,味道就完全...
图书标签: 奇幻 美国 小说 PatrickRothfuss 英文原版 魔幻 fantasy 科幻/奇幻
From Publishers Weekly
Starred Review. The originality of Rothfuss's outstanding debut fantasy, the first of a trilogy, lies less in its unnamed imaginary world than in its precise execution. Kvothe ("pronounced nearly the same as 'Quothe' "), the hero and villain of a thousand tales who's presumed dead, lives as the simple proprietor of the Waystone Inn under an assumed name. Prompted by a biographer called Chronicler who realizes his true identity, Kvothe starts to tell his life story. From his upbringing as an actor in his family's traveling troupe of magicians, jugglers and jesters, the Edema Ruh, to feral child on the streets of the vast port city of Tarbean, then his education at "the University," Kvothe is driven by twin imperatives—his desire to learn the higher magic of naming and his need to discover as much as possible about the Chandrian, the demons of legend who murdered his family. As absorbing on a second reading as it is on the first, this is the type of assured, rich first novel most writers can only dream of producing. The fantasy world has a new star. (Apr.)
Copyright © Reed Business Information, a division of Reed Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
From Booklist
Travelers to the village where Kote runs an inn are rare, but those who've shown up lately have brought bad news. A sort of demonic spider attacks a local, and then Kote rescues a wandering scholar, bringing him to the inn to recover. The man recognizes Kote as the legendary hero Kvothe and begs him to reveal the reality behind all the legends. Most of the novel is Kvothe's autobiography, that of a young genius growing up in a troupe of elite traveling players, tutored by an old arcanist, until marauders (mere marauders?) destroyed it, after which he made his way to the great university and petitioned for admission. Rothfuss skillfully handles the change of Kvothe's voice from child to youth to student, and the voice of the mature Kvothe in retrospective interjections. Hints of further adventures are strewn about in this series opener, whose one problem lies in its naturally slow, unfortunately sometimes draggy pacing. Not exactly a page-turner, but fanciers of long, intricate plots will be pleased. Frieda Murray
Copyright © American Library Association. All rights reserved
评分谢谢@corbelle 推荐~ 用kindle app在手机上看的。前半部分节奏颇慢,一度搁下了好几个月,后来几乎每天都看,到尾声就有点手不释卷了。好像是作者的第一部作品?但是老练而精美。我喜欢奇幻 =v=
评分(终于看完了= =) 虽然才看了开头,但是感觉很对胃口啊而且脑补空间好大被戳了......往事成谜的年轻导师(当然看上去....)+身份不明的英俊学徒.....TAT
The Name of the Wind 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书