杰夫·林赛(Jeff Lindsay):
《纽约时报》畅销书作家,当今美国“暗黑小说第一人”。他的妻子是海明威的侄女,也是一名作家。《嗜血法医》被美国侦探小说作家协会提名为“埃德加最佳小说奖”,杰夫•林赛也凭借《嗜血法医》系列一举成名。自2006年起,以《嗜血法医》为蓝本 的同名电视剧集(又译《嗜血判官》)在美国Showtime付费频道上映,随即引发各国美剧爱好者的热烈追捧,而主人公德克斯特也被大家亲切地称为“史上最可爱的连环杀手”。
Darkly Dreaming Dexter 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书
我看过的美剧不多,大约只有《越狱》、《迷失》、《尼基塔》等几个最经典的美剧。《嗜血法医》这部名剧我并没有看过。我并不是不喜欢看美剧,只是没有足够的时间。有人说时间就是女人的乳沟,挤一挤总会有,但是我需要做的事情很多,的确没有更多的时间挤出来看美剧了。 我很喜...
评分 评分某个阴云密布的下午,当我在微信上晒出这本书的时候,好多朋友都被我的“重口味”吓到,其实这本书不怎么吓人,我边看还边喝咖啡哩,不知有多惬意。 之所以给闺蜜们这种误解,是源于比较惊悚的书名和封面,《嗜血法医》这样的字眼,加上刀锋与冷眼儿...
评分 评分图书标签: 德克斯特:黑暗梦想 嗜血判官 英格兰 双面法医 gigi5201986 Dexter
Dexter Morgan isn't exactly the kind of man you'd bring home to your mum. At heart, he's the perfect gentleman: he has a shy girlfriend, and seems to lead a quiet, normal life bordering on the mundane. Despite the fact that he can't stand the sight of blood, he works as a blood-spatter analyst for the Miami police. But Dexter also has a secret hobby: he is an accomplished serial killer. So far, he's killed 36 people and has never been caught because he knows exactly how to hide the evidence. And while that may lead some people to assume he's not such a nice guy, he tempers his insatiable hunger for brutality by only killing the bad guys. However, Dexter's well-organised life is suddenly disrupted when a second, much more visible serial killer appears in Miami. Intrigued that the other killer favours a style similar to his own, Dexter soon realises that the mysterious new arrival is not simply invading his turf but offering him a direct invitation to 'come out and play'...
Darkly Dreaming Dexter 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书