Soji Shimada is a designer, musician, and astrology writer for a major newspaper. He has written over 100 mystery novels.
Tokyo Zodiac Murders 2024 pdf epub mobi 电子书
东京也无非是这样。上野的樱花烂熳的时节,望去确也像绯红的轻云,但花下也缺不了成群结队的“私家侦探”的速成班,腰间上插着仿牌手枪,顶得风衣高高耸起,形成一座富士山。也有叼一根烟,解开风衣,露出枪的,宛如小姑娘的发髻一般,还要将头发甩几甩。实在标致极了。 讲谈社...
评分 评分不久之前看过一个说法,大意是说,推理小说注重情节,故弄玄虚令读者欲罢不能,是一种低级趣味。 根据我昨日学习到的,今日的推理小说流派分类,其实这个说法更像是针对“本格派”,也就是主要展现犯案手法的推理小说的。或许通过推理小说来表现社会问题什么的,已经偏离了“...
图书标签: 推理 岛田庄司 日本 島田荘司 英译 英语读物 翻翻 经典
"Intricately constructed and entertainingly exotic."-The Japan Times
Astrologer, fortuneteller, and self-styled detective Kiyoshi Mitarai must in one week solve a mystery that has baffled Japan for 40 years. Who murdered the artist Umezawa, raped and killed his daughter, and then chopped up the bodies of six others to create Azoth, the supreme woman? With maps, charts, and other illustrations, this story of magic and illusion, pieced together like a great stage tragedy, challenges the reader to unravel the mystery before the final curtain. The Tokyo Zodiac Murders joins a new wave of Japanese murder mysteries being translated into English.
Tokyo Zodiac Murders 2024 pdf epub mobi 电子书