Perhaps the most haunting and tragic love story ever written, Wuthering Heights is the tale of Heathcliff, a brooding, troubled orphan, and his doomed love for Catherine Earnshaw. His desire for her leads him to madness, however, when Catherine is made to marry a wealthy lord, sending Heathcliff on a life-long quest to avenge himself upon those who stole his only love and his life.
In this gripping chronicle of the never-ending conflict between the heart and the mind -- and the pain and passion of true romance -- Emily Brontë created an unforgettable classic saga of love, desperation, vengeance, and forgiveness. Published just one year before Brontë's death in 1848 at the age of thirty, Wuthering Heights endures as one of the world's greatest love stories and a classic of English literature.
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伍爾夫在提到艾米莉·勃朗特的《呼嘯山莊》時說,促使艾米莉·勃朗特創作的衝動不是她自身的痛苦和傷害,在讀完《呼嘯山莊》,我難於相信她這種說法。小說中那種痛徹心扉的激情,如果不是有過個人體驗,憑一個人的想象力幾乎是不可能達到的。 一位好心的紳士從街頭引迴一個...
評分 評分 評分《外國文學史》上是把勃朗特這兩姐妹一起介紹的,其中重點介紹的作品自然是《簡愛》與《呼嘯山莊》。我拜讀這兩本大作的時間相差甚遠,但我還清楚的記得看書時的分彆感覺。看簡愛時隻覺得平淡,膚淺如我嚮來愛的是基督山伯爵這類情節背景廣闊跌宕起伏的小說(我後來一迴想,...
評分這是我第二次讀《呼嘯山莊》瞭。羞愧的講,重讀《呼嘯山莊》並不是因為喜歡,而是因為第一次沒有讀懂。可更令我羞愧的是,第二次,我仍然不懂。 一個關於愛情和復仇,裏麵充滿瞭歌特式的恐怖氣氛的故事。可是在我讀起來居然不疼不癢。是我笨麼?當凱瑟琳和希斯剋裏夫的...
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