Michael Chabon (b. 1963) is an acclaimed and bestselling author whose works include the Pulitzer Prize–winning novel The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier & Clay (2000). Chabon achieved literary fame at age twenty-four with his first novel, The Mysteries of Pittsburgh (1988), which was a major critical and commercial success. He then published Wonder Boys (1995), another bestseller, which was made into a film starring Michael Douglas. One of America’s most distinctive voices, Chabon has been called “a magical prose stylist” by the New York Times Book Review, and is known for his lively writing, nostalgia for bygone modes of storytelling, and deep empathy for the human predicament.
The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier and Clay 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书
《卡瓦利与克雷的神奇冒险》是一本颇有点厚重的书,拿在手里沉甸甸的,捧读时间长了还真有点累,不过却是一本值得玩味咀嚼的似乎是传记又似乎只是虚构的小说! 说该书是传记,实在是因为作者在文内对自己所描述与提到的一些人物、事件、刊物等所做的脚注,让读者,准...
评分 评分 评分故事从一九三九年末《动作漫画》方兴未艾讲起,以一九五四年春季参议院针对漫画召开的听证会收尾,横跨如今所知的美漫史上的”黄金时代“。 故事中的两位主角均为犹太裔少年,卡瓦利来自布拉格,少年时代师从犹太社群中的魔法师,学会逃脱术与魔术秘技,借助这些技艺,欧战时...
评分# 一 坦白说,读过这本书之后,我是有小小的失望。不是说书的质量不好,而是跟我最初的期待不同。今年以来,这已经是第二次有这种失落感了。 第一次是**《最后的猎巫人》**。本以为这本书会像是电影一样,是一个奇幻大作,讲猎巫人如何猎巫的故事。起码得有吸血鬼猎人那种爽快...
图书标签: 美国 MichaelChabon 缺爷推荐 Michael_Chabon Chabon 美国文学 生活种种 文学
Joe Kavalier, a young Jewish artist who has also been trained in the art of Houdini-esque escape, has just smuggled himself out of Nazi-invaded Prague and landed in New York City. His Brooklyn cousin Sammy Clay is looking for a partner to create heroes, stories, and art for the latest novelty to hit America - the comic book. Drawing on their own fears and dreams, Kavalier and Clay create the Escapist, the Monitor, and Luna Moth, inspired by the beautiful Rosa Saks, who will become linked by powerful ties to both men. With exhilarating style and grace, Michael Chabon tells an unforgettable story about American romance and possibility.
五周半读完(比想像的快很多!)我喜欢它。但不热爱它。推荐给:对漫画,冒险,纽约,犹太文化有兴趣的同学;(我对前两者兴趣不大,所以...)(抱歉Andrew!! 但我还是想看你演Joe Kavalier。至于Sam Clay的最合适人选,我觉得是Jason Schwartzman...?)
评分Andrew likes it, I also like it
评分Andrew likes it, I also like it
评分Andrew likes it, I also like it
评分五周半读完(比想像的快很多!)我喜欢它。但不热爱它。推荐给:对漫画,冒险,纽约,犹太文化有兴趣的同学;(我对前两者兴趣不大,所以...)(抱歉Andrew!! 但我还是想看你演Joe Kavalier。至于Sam Clay的最合适人选,我觉得是Jason Schwartzman...?)
The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier and Clay 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书