Mary Roach是《屍體——人類遺體的離奇生命》(又譯《僵屍的奇妙生活》)的作者。《紐約時報雜誌》、《發現Discovery》雜誌撰稿人。文章經常發錶於Salon、Wired、Outside、GQ、Vogue等雜誌。Roach現居加州奧剋蘭。
"Equal parts Groucho Marx and Stephen Jay Gould, both enlightening and entertaining."—Sunday Denver Post & Rocky Mountain News
The best-selling author of Stiff: The Curious Lives of Human Cadavers now trains her considerable wit and curiosity on the human soul. What happens when we die? Does the light just go out and that's that—the million-year nap? Or will some part of my personality, my me-ness persist? What will that feel like? What will I do all day? Is there a place to plug in my lap-top?" In an attempt to find out, Mary Roach brings her tireless curiosity to bear on an array of contemporary and historical soul-searchers: scientists, schemers, engineers, mediums, all trying to prove (or disprove) that life goes on after we die. She begins the journey in rural India with a reincarnation researcher and ends up in a University of Virginia operating room where cardiologists have installed equipment near the ceiling to study out-of-body near-death experiences. Along the way, she enrolls in an English medium school, gets electromagnetically haunted at a university in Ontario, and visits a Duke University professor with a plan to weigh the consciousness of a leech. Her historical wanderings unearth soul-seeking philosophers who rummaged through cadavers and calves' heads, a North Carolina lawsuit that established legal precedence for ghosts, and the last surviving sample of "ectoplasm" in a Cambridge University archive. 10 illustrations.
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這個老姐們在上一本書《僵屍的奇異生活》中為瞭調查中國人肉包子事件,居然親自到中國的殯儀館詢問,殯儀館領導被氣的冒煙^ ^0,佩服啊~~~
評分這是我本年度讀過的最為神奇的一本書。 作者雖非專業人士,但卻不辭辛勞親自參與研究、體驗通靈術的奧秘。就某些枯燥的讀物來說,瑪麗•羅奇就如同闖入魂靈世界的小精靈,古靈精怪地發齣各種各樣的機智妙語,令人捧腹。而相對於某類獵奇讀物,作者羅奇可謂是精益求精。她奔...
評分這個老姐們在上一本書《僵屍的奇異生活》中為瞭調查中國人肉包子事件,居然親自到中國的殯儀館詢問,殯儀館領導被氣的冒煙^ ^0,佩服啊~~~
評分這是我本年度讀過的最為神奇的一本書。 作者雖非專業人士,但卻不辭辛勞親自參與研究、體驗通靈術的奧秘。就某些枯燥的讀物來說,瑪麗•羅奇就如同闖入魂靈世界的小精靈,古靈精怪地發齣各種各樣的機智妙語,令人捧腹。而相對於某類獵奇讀物,作者羅奇可謂是精益求精。她奔...
評分這個老姐們在上一本書《僵屍的奇異生活》中為瞭調查中國人肉包子事件,居然親自到中國的殯儀館詢問,殯儀館領導被氣的冒煙^ ^0,佩服啊~~~
圖書標籤: 英文原版 有趣話題 MaryRoach 死亡 靈異 我愛的那些怪書 美國 oakland
評分關於鬼魂和瀕死體驗-在生死邊緣你會看到什麼呢? 這是從小孩時就又害怕又興奮地話題。這個世界到底有沒有卡斯帕一樣的小鬼魂和天堂,靈魂有多重呢?瑪麗這次又挑起瞭大傢的興趣。采訪瞭鬼屋hunter,緻幻劑與瀕死感受,甚至懷疑有些現象跟量子物理有關:),結果人傢迴信說不是什麼你解釋不瞭的就和量子有關。大大嘆氣:)最後,還是科學態度的審視和懷疑。好玩。念書阿姨Bernadette Quigley,也惟妙惟肖。
評分free book 確實挺有趣的
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