How does MongoDB help you manage a huMONGOus amount of data collected through your web application? With this authoritative introduction, you'll learn the many advantages of using document-oriented databases, and discover why MongoDB is a reliable, high-performance system that allows for almost infinite horizontal scalability. Written by a core contributor to the MongoDB project, this updated second edition provides guidance for database developers, advanced configuration for system administrators, and an overview of the concepts and use cases for other people on your project. Ideal for newcomers to NoSQL databases and experienced MongoDB users alike, this edition provides numerous real-world schema design examples. Learn about new features, including TTL collections, MMS, and the aggregation pipeline Find additional chapters on deploying MongoDB, including application and server administration as well as ops advice Explore ways that document-oriented storage will work for your project Learn how MongoDB's schema-free data model handles documents, collections, and multiple databases Execute basic write operations, and create complex queries to find data with any criteria Learn about monitoring, security and authentication, backup and repair, and more Set up master-slave and automatic failover replication in MongoDB Use sharding to scale MongoDB horizontally, and learn how it impacts applications
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圖書標籤: MongoDB 計算機 英文版 編程 電子版 數據庫 數據庫 已收藏
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