Audrey Hepburn, Elegant Spirit 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书
这本书推荐给喜欢赫本或者想了解赫本为人的所有读者。有大量的珍贵个人照和不为人知的故事。 赫本逝去多年,她的影响力至今无人可及,仍然受到世界范围内许多人的喜爱。看完全书,我觉得有以下几个原因: 1、美丽优雅的外表。 赫本的美丽不光在于她清新脱俗的外表,还在于其...
评分雪莱说 浅水是喧哗的 深水是沉默的。我都想读雪莱的诗了 这句来自哪里? 有了新的 就会对过往释怀。得之我幸 失之我命。面对爱情 有些人选择了瞻前顾后,有些人选择了主动放手 有些人选择了自私冷漠 ,... 感觉?你知道一块砖头打到头上的感觉吗?哈哈哈 爱情的冲击感突如其来...
评分雪莱说 浅水是喧哗的 深水是沉默的。我都想读雪莱的诗了 这句来自哪里? 有了新的 就会对过往释怀。得之我幸 失之我命。面对爱情 有些人选择了瞻前顾后,有些人选择了主动放手 有些人选择了自私冷漠 ,... 感觉?你知道一块砖头打到头上的感觉吗?哈哈哈 爱情的冲击感突如其来...
评分对于女性美的认知,有一种不成文的惯有理解 便是长发飘飘 在东方人们崇尚荆钗布裙 不施粉黛,每当清风拂过 衣袂飞舞 几缕柔顺的发丝拂过脸庞,根根青丝如瀑布般倾泻而下。在西方 则或许是一头浪漫的卷发 在阳光下映出迷人的光泽 衬出一双含水的眼眸和弯弯的睫毛。 不论古今 不...
图书标签: AudreyHepburn 人物传记 传记 奥黛丽·赫本AudreyHepburn 我爱的一些女子的书 原版 英文 外国文学
日前由全球饮料巨头依云公司组织的一次评选中,电影界传奇人物奥黛丽-赫本被专家团选为所有时代最具自然美的女性。 她主演的影片《罗马假日》风靡全球,至今令人称道。
Book Description
'God kissed the face of Audrey Hepburn, and there she was'. Billy Wilder Audrey Hepburn was loved by millions of movie fans and reflected that love back on her audience. Her warmth and grace, both onscreen and off, endeared her to millions and her humanitarian efforts made her a role model to countless more. When she died from colon cancer in 1993, the loss was felt all over the world. Audrey Hepburn was more than a movie star, more than a style icon. She considered her most important role to be wife and mother. In this beautiful memoir, her son, Sean Ferrer, remembers their life together. This is the story of her life from her childhood during WWII, to Hollywood, to her work for the United Nations. It is a story about Audrey Hepburn as only her son could tell it, and it is also an incredible account of the steadfast bond between them. Intimate, inspiring and including more than 300 photographs and drawings - many of which have never before published - "An Elegant Spirit" is an illustrated memoir of the woman the world adored, by the son who adored her and was adored by her. There have been a number of books about Audrey, but few have truly captured her essence. Sean Hepburn Ferrer's beautiful memoir does just that.
Book Dimension
length: (cm)24.4 width:(cm)19.2
评分在中国出版的封面和这个不一样 名字是<天使在人间>.
评分天使在人间,中文译本。第一时间读过,赫本,an elegant spirit.
评分在中国出版的封面和这个不一样 名字是<天使在人间>.
Audrey Hepburn, Elegant Spirit 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书