諾曼·梅勒(Norman Mailer),美國最具爭議的猶太裔作傢。1923年齣生於美國新澤西州。1939進入哈佛大學學習航空工程,但卻對文學創作産生興趣,大學二年級就發錶瞭第一篇短篇小說《世界上最偉大的事》。1944年至1946年在太平洋地區服役。1948在巴黎寫齣瞭成名作《裸者與死者》。1955年與人閤作創辦瞭主要在紐約發行的報紙《村聲》。1969年競選紐約市長失利。《夜幕下的大軍》(1968年)獲普利策奬和美國國傢圖書奬。《劊子手之歌》(1979年)再獲普利策奬。2005年獲得美國國傢圖書基金會的美國文學傑齣貢獻奬。2007年1月齣版瞭其最後一部小說《林中城堡》。2007年11月10日去世。美國著名作傢瓊·迪迪恩在得知諾曼去世之後贊揚諾曼是“美國偉大的良心”,法國總統薩科齊則錶示這是“美國文學巨人的隕落”。
Who was Adolf Hitler? It's a question writers have been trying to answer for more than sixty years. But after thousands of biographies, histories, novels, and films, many fundamental questions remain: How do we explain Hitler's hatred? Where did it come from? Could it happen again? Norman Mailer sets out to respond to these and other crucial aspects of Hitler's personality in his compulsively readable new novel. Spanning three generations, and a hundred years of history, the book brings to life the Hitlers ? grandparents, parents, aunts, uncles, siblings, and, ultimately, young Adolf ? in an energetic and wildly entertaining family saga. Mailer recounts the marriages, incestuous couplings, estrangements, afflictions, and deaths that lead to the birth of young Adolf in 1889. Told in the voice of a mysterious (and unreliable) narrator, this playful yet profound novel blends fact and fiction in a stirring family tale that will cause the reader to re-examine his preconceived ideas about Hitler and the nature of his evil.
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評分For me this was a very difficult book to read. My punchline is that "The Castle In The Forest" isn't worth the difficulty. Mailer is not as insightful as C.S. Lewis when it comes to matters of good and evil--mostly just garrulous and meandering.
評分諾曼·梅勒在《為我自己做廣告》中寫道:“我希望嘗試對謀殺、自殺、亂倫、縱欲、極度的快感以及時光等方麵的奧秘作深入的探討。”梅勒這略顯重口味的宏願,在《林中城堡》的創作中,得以部分實現。這些邪惡的元素像曠野飄蕩的鬼火,在《林中城堡》一書中隨處忽閃。 ...
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