A Perfect Mess 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书
事实上,这本书的标题还是有所哗众取巧的,它说抨击的也并非真正意义上的混乱,说论证的需要保持混乱也是限定在一定的范围的,下面是一些在大多数情况下正确的结论,而具体的标准因人而异,在乎于行: 1.整洁和有序是需要付出代价的,而且很多时候那些代价并不总是值得的的。我...
评分事实上,这本书的标题还是有所哗众取巧的,它说抨击的也并非真正意义上的混乱,说论证的需要保持混乱也是限定在一定的范围的,下面是一些在大多数情况下正确的结论,而具体的标准因人而异,在乎于行: 1.整洁和有序是需要付出代价的,而且很多时候那些代价并不总是值得的的。我...
评分1.老妈的十(万)个为什么 Not surprisingly, my mother, who is incredibly organized and neat , always feels comfused as soon as geting into my department. In the following sentences, for example ,there are something she may never understand so she has to quset ...
评分features: 1. 提供了大量数据和实例(美学、科学、音乐、嗅觉、视觉)表明:整洁的成本与混乱的优势。 混乱的益处:完整性、谐振、创意、效率、稳健性 2. 分层阐述: 混乱的人、家、组织、领导、政治、思想、美学。 P.S.为什么公司/个人的长期规划常常是无效的?(无效...
评分很多人可能都有过这样的经验,你对家里或者办公桌上的混乱非常不满,于是不断地整理,试图让它们变得整洁有序,问题是过不了多长时间你就发现一切又回到从前的混乱状态,于是又开始新一轮的整理-混乱-整理。。。。。。周而复始,无休无止。 或者在进行整理、试图让周围环境...
图书标签: 艺术/科普/生活 艺术/科普/养成 心理学 ebook
"An engaging polemic against the neat-police who hold so much sway over our lives." -The Wall Street Journal
Enthusiastically embraced by readers everywhere, this groundbreaking book is an antidote to the accepted wisdom that tight schedules, neatness, and consistency are the keys to success.
With an astounding array of anecdotes and case studies of the useful role mess can play in business, parenting, cooking, the war on terrorism, hardware stores, and even the meteoric career of Arnold Schwarzenegger, coauthors Abrahamson and Freedman demonstrate that moderately messy systems use resources more efficiently, yield better solutions, and are harder to break than neat ones. From clutter to time sprawl to blurring of categories, A PERFECT MESS will forever change the way we think about disorder.
"A compelling and comical tour of humanity's guilt-ridden love affair with accidents, messes, and randomness... Combine the world-is-not-as-it-seems mindset of Freakonomics with the delicious celebration of popular culture found in Everything Bad Is Good for You to get the cocktail-party-chatter-ready anecdotes of 'messiness leading to genius' in A PERFECT MESS." -Fast Company
A Perfect Mess 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书