Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde: A Kaplan SAT Score-Raising Classic features:
*The complete tale of the classic novel, Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde
*More than 200 vocabulary words frequently tested on the SAT highlighted throughout the text
*Definitions for each highlighted word on the facing page
*A word-pronunciation guide
*An index for easy reference
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譯後記——全書最不倫不類的地方,前麵引用尼剋鬆的迴憶錄毫無意義,後麵的分析也主要集中在對資本主義社會極具改革開放初期時代特色的批判上,沒有什麼深度。後麵一開始說對史蒂文森不多作介紹,卻又寫瞭一大堆作者的生平來湊字數。 不過這也是那個時代翻譯者的通病,即使是...
評分The duality of man. There is both good and evil in everyone, all the way back to two-faced Janus in Roman mythology. This 1886 novel, Dr. Jekyl and Mr. Hyde by Scottish authorRobert Louis Stevenson purports the belief that even in people who the society loo...
評分 評分小時候看過同名小說改編的電影,情節不記得瞭,就知道挺嚇人的。後來知道是史蒂文森寫的故事,就勉為其難看瞭這個英文簡易版。雖然已經不覺得有什麽可怕,但還是不喜歡故事裏的那種陰鬱氣氛。這個故事也許是生物科幻類讀物的鼻祖吧。
評分圖書標籤: 英國 懸疑 小說 心理
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