列夫·尼古拉耶维奇·托尔斯泰(ЛевНиколаевич Толстой)(1828~1910) 19世纪末20世纪初俄国最伟大的文学家,也是世界文学史上最杰出的作家之一,他的文学作品在世界文学中占有重要的地位。代表作有长篇小说《战争与和平》、《安娜·卡列尼娜》、《复活》以及自传体小说三部曲《幼年》《少年》《青年》。其它作品还有《一个地主的早晨》《哥萨克》《塞瓦斯托波尔故事集》等。他也创作了大量童话。他以自己一生的辛勤创作,登上了当时欧洲批判现实主义文学的高峰。他还以自己有力的笔触和卓越的艺术技巧辛勤创作了“世界文学中第一流的作品”,因此被列宁称颂为具有“最清醒的现实主义”的“天才艺术家”。
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评分花了整整一个假期的时间,终于读完了这部鸿篇巨作。我感受到的,是这部书所给予我的一种厚重感。 我相信没有人会不喜欢娜塔莎,喜欢她的美,喜欢她那眼波流转间里所流露出的快乐的笑意,喜欢她那一颦一笑间所展现出的快活的神情,她就像是一个闪着光亮的天使,散发着无穷...
A new version -- the one Tolstoy originally intended, but has been hitherto unpublished -- of Russia's most famous novel; with a different ending, fewer digressions and an altered view of Napoleon -- it's time to look afresh at one of the world's favourite books. 'War and Peace' is a masterpiece -- a panoramic portrait of Russian society and its descent into the Napoleonic Wars which for over a century has inspired reverential devotion among its readers. This new version is certain to provoke controversy and devotion in equal measures. A 'first draft' of the epic version known to all, it was completed in 1866 but never published. A closely guarded secret for a century and a half, the unveiling of the original version of 'War and Peace', with an ending different to that we all know, is of huge significance to students of Tolstoy. But it is also sure to prove fascinating to the general reader who will find it an invigorating and absorbing read. Free of the solemn philosophical wanderings, the drama and tragedy of this sweeping tale is reinforced. His characters remain central throughout, emphasising their own personal journeys, their loves and passions, their successes and failures and their own personal tragedies. 500 pages shorter, this is historical fiction at its most vivid and vital, and readers will marvel anew at Tolstoy's unique ability to conjure the lives and souls of Russia and the Russians in all their glory. For devotees who long for more, for those who struggled and didn't quite make it to the end, or for those who have always wanted to know what all the fuss is about, this is essential reading.
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