About the Author
Eric Voegelin (1901-1985) was one of the most original and influential philosophers of our time. Born in Cologne, Germany, he studied at the University of Vienna, where he became a professor of political science in the Faculty of Law. In 1938, he and his wife, fleeing Hitler, immigrated to the United States. They became American citizens in 1944. Voegelin spent much of his career at Louisiana State University, the University of Munich, and the Hoover Institution at Stanford University. During his lifetime he published many books and more than one hundred articles. The Collected Works of Eric Voegelin will make available in a uniform edition all of Voegelin's major writings.
About the Editor
Michael Franz is Associate Professor of Political Science at Loyola College in Baltimore, Maryland. In addition to numerous scholarly articles, he is the author of Eric Voegelin and the Politics of Spiritual Revolt: The Roots of Modern Ideology.
Order and History, Eric Voegelin's five-volume study of how human and divine order are intertwined and manifested in history, has been widely acclaimed as one of the great intellectual achievements of our age.
In the fourth volume, The Ecumenic Age, Voegelin breaks with the course he originally charted for the series, in which human existence in society and the corresponding symbolism of order were to be presented in historical succession. The analyses in the three previous volumes remain valid as far as they go, Voegelin explains, but the original conception proved "untenable because it had not taken proper account of the important lines of meaning in history that did not run along lines of time."
The Ecumenic Age treats history not as a stream of human beings and their actions in time, but as the process of man's participation in a flux of divine presence that has eschatological direction. "The process of history, and such order as can be discerned in it," Voegelin writes, "is not a story to be told from the beginning to its happy, or unhappy, end; it is a mystery in process of revelation."
In the present volume, Voegelin applies his revised conception of historical analysis to the "Ecumenic Age," a pivotal period that extends roughly from the rise of the Persian Empire to the fall of the Roman. The age is marked by the advent of a new type of political unit—the ecumenic empire—achieved at the cost of unprecedented destruction. Yet the pragmatic destructiveness of the age is paralleled by equally unprecedented spiritual creativity, born from the need to make sense of existence in the wake of imperial conquest. These spiritual outbursts gave rise to the great ecumenic religions and raised fundamental questions for human self- understanding that extend into our historical present.
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【編者按】本文原載《深圳大學學報》(人文社會科學版)2019年第5期。 從希羅多德和司馬遷的紀事書中可以看到,緻力於認識鄰人的秉性是一個政治體成熟的標誌之一。自18世紀歐洲思想傢得知中國以來,認真下功夫研究過中國文明的歐洲大思想傢(而非漢學傢)屈指可數:從萊布尼茲...
評分【編者按】本文原載《深圳大學學報》(人文社會科學版)2019年第5期。 從希羅多德和司馬遷的紀事書中可以看到,緻力於認識鄰人的秉性是一個政治體成熟的標誌之一。自18世紀歐洲思想傢得知中國以來,認真下功夫研究過中國文明的歐洲大思想傢(而非漢學傢)屈指可數:從萊布尼茲...
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評分編者按:本文原刊於《海南大學學報》(人文社科版)2019年第3期,第9-15頁。 提要:沃格林一生的思想轉變非常復雜。他對靈知主義的哲學批判,呈現瞭其曆史哲學與意識哲學的意圖和主要特徵。沃格林的“靈知主義”概念,主要來自海德格爾和黑格爾的哲學,他早期試圖通過一種基於...
評分【編者按】本文原載《深圳大學學報》(人文社會科學版)2019年第5期。 從希羅多德和司馬遷的紀事書中可以看到,緻力於認識鄰人的秉性是一個政治體成熟的標誌之一。自18世紀歐洲思想傢得知中國以來,認真下功夫研究過中國文明的歐洲大思想傢(而非漢學傢)屈指可數:從萊布尼茲...
圖書標籤: 政治哲學 人文社科類 Ecumenic Age
The Chinese ecumene一章確實非常精彩。可是沃格林最後總結說華夏文明軸心時代的突破,並沒有完全和cosmological truth斷裂最後抵達the truth of existence。先秦諸子著作中的某些段落已經完全到達瞭後者(《荀子·儒效》),但另外一些卻又和cosmological truth糾纏不清。所以,華夏文明的理性程度低於基督教和古希臘哲學。 我個人來講,對這種metaphysics是持懷疑態度的。我還是采取一個pragmatic的態度:如果華夏文明能夠培養齣同等優秀的人物,就夠瞭。
評分The Chinese ecumene一章確實非常精彩。可是沃格林最後總結說華夏文明軸心時代的突破,並沒有完全和cosmological truth斷裂最後抵達the truth of existence。先秦諸子著作中的某些段落已經完全到達瞭後者(《荀子·儒效》),但另外一些卻又和cosmological truth糾纏不清。所以,華夏文明的理性程度低於基督教和古希臘哲學。 我個人來講,對這種metaphysics是持懷疑態度的。我還是采取一個pragmatic的態度:如果華夏文明能夠培養齣同等優秀的人物,就夠瞭。
評分The Chinese ecumene一章確實非常精彩。可是沃格林最後總結說華夏文明軸心時代的突破,並沒有完全和cosmological truth斷裂最後抵達the truth of existence。先秦諸子著作中的某些段落已經完全到達瞭後者(《荀子·儒效》),但另外一些卻又和cosmological truth糾纏不清。所以,華夏文明的理性程度低於基督教和古希臘哲學。 我個人來講,對這種metaphysics是持懷疑態度的。我還是采取一個pragmatic的態度:如果華夏文明能夠培養齣同等優秀的人物,就夠瞭。
評分The Chinese ecumene一章確實非常精彩。可是沃格林最後總結說華夏文明軸心時代的突破,並沒有完全和cosmological truth斷裂最後抵達the truth of existence。先秦諸子著作中的某些段落已經完全到達瞭後者(《荀子·儒效》),但另外一些卻又和cosmological truth糾纏不清。所以,華夏文明的理性程度低於基督教和古希臘哲學。 我個人來講,對這種metaphysics是持懷疑態度的。我還是采取一個pragmatic的態度:如果華夏文明能夠培養齣同等優秀的人物,就夠瞭。
評分The Chinese ecumene一章確實非常精彩。可是沃格林最後總結說華夏文明軸心時代的突破,並沒有完全和cosmological truth斷裂最後抵達the truth of existence。先秦諸子著作中的某些段落已經完全到達瞭後者(《荀子·儒效》),但另外一些卻又和cosmological truth糾纏不清。所以,華夏文明的理性程度低於基督教和古希臘哲學。 我個人來講,對這種metaphysics是持懷疑態度的。我還是采取一個pragmatic的態度:如果華夏文明能夠培養齣同等優秀的人物,就夠瞭。
Order and History (Volume 4) 2025 pdf epub mobi 電子書 下載