杰克·凯鲁亚克(Jack Kerouac, 1922-1969),1922年3月12日,凯鲁亚克出生于马萨诸塞州洛厄尔,父母为法裔美国人,他是家中幼子。他曾在当地天主教和公立学校就读,以橄榄球奖学金入纽约哥伦比亚大学,结识爱伦·金斯堡、威廉·巴勒斯和尼尔·卡萨迪等“垮掉的一代”。
On the Road 2024 pdf epub mobi 电子书
评分在美国文坛,杰克·凯鲁亚克是一位颇受争议又备受关注的作家,他是“垮掉的一代”的代表人物,他大学二年级退学从事文学创作,曾在美国海军服役,却被以精神病为由除名。 他周游世界,混迹于社会底层,厨房帮工、加油站服务员、水手、撰稿人、铁路司闸员、行李搬运工、采棉工、...
评分看了记者对王永年的访谈,忍不住说两句。 译者说不喜欢这本书,并认为它没有多大文学价值,行文结构比较糟糕,还说他与凯鲁亚克,我们都有代沟,他把这本书定性为一本年轻人的书。以凯鲁亚克的出生年(1922)来看,如果他活着的话,比译者还要长几岁,那么这年轻与年老的区别就...
评分魏东(www.igovm.com 之生活绘话) (一) 我以为…… 我是在这里开始理解这部小说的—— 是某个事物、某个人或者某个灵魂,在生命的沙漠上追逐我们,并且必然在我们到达天堂之时赶上我们。现在回想起来,也许,那只不过是死亡:死亡必定在我们到达天堂之时赶上我们...
评分On the Road Jack Kerouac "On the Road" is a novel that makes the reader want to go out there, seize the day, and live, live, live! Jack Kerouac, creator of the "beat generation" best sums up his philosophy as "everything belongs to me because i am poor". ...
图书标签: 小说
MAXnotes offer a fresh look at masterpieces of literature, presented in a lively and interesting fashion. Written by literary experts who currently teach the subject, MAXnotes will enhance your understanding and enjoyment of the work. MAXnotes are designed to stimulate independ ent thought about the literary work by raising various issues and thought-provoking ideas and questions. MAXnotes cover the essentials of what one should know about each work, including an overall summary, character lists, an explanation and discussion of the plot, the work's historical context, illustrations to convey the mood of the work, and a biography of the author. Each chapter is individually summarized and analyzed, and has study questions and answers.
评分Kerouac 用的最多的两个单词:sad,mad
评分Kerouac 用的最多的两个单词:sad,mad
On the Road 2024 pdf epub mobi 电子书