普利策奬得主約瑟夫·艾利斯(Joseph J. Ellis)的著述是近年來最為暢銷的華盛頓傳記
To this landmark biography of our first president, Joseph J. Ellis brings the exacting scholarship, shrewd analysis, and lyric prose that have made him one of the premier historians of the Revolutionary era. Training his lens on a figure who sometimes seems as remote as his effigy on Mount Rushmore, Ellis assesses George Washington as a military and political leader and a man whose “statue-like solidity” concealed volcanic energies and emotions.
Here is the impetuous young officer whose miraculous survival in combat half-convinced him that he could not be killed. Here is the free-spending landowner whose debts to English merchants instilled him with a prickly resentment of imperial power. We see the general who lost more battles than he won and the reluctant president who tried to float above the partisan feuding of his cabinet. His Excellency is a magnificent work, indispensable to an understanding not only of its subject but also of the nation he brought into being.
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評分如果要評選韆年來最偉大的人,我應該會投票給華盛頓,就因為那史上最偉大的退場,1783年的安納波利斯。 對於曆史人物,隨著他們的逐漸遠去,我們越來越難去真切的瞭解他們的行為和內心,尤其是對華盛頓這種活著時就已被當作塵世聖徒的人。圍繞他的生平,曆史上各路傳記作者極盡...
評分有一天,一個小男孩收到父親的禮物——一把漂亮的小斧頭。小男孩非常高興,於是尋思著一試小斧頭的功力。找來找去找到瞭傢中的種植園,園中有一顆並不碩壯的小櫻桃樹。隨著斧頭的掄擺,小櫻桃樹應聲而倒。小男孩滿意地拍著巴掌離去。 傍晚,父親迴到傢中,發現最愛的櫻桃樹被砍...
評分作為美國開國之父,華盛頓的重要性是毋容置疑的。任何國傢的成功都離不開第一步:獨立。沒有獨立任何事情都不可能完成,所以說無論是傑斐遜、富蘭剋林、麥迪遜、亞當斯在他們自己方麵的成功和華盛頓都是不可以比的。 華盛頓有著過人的領導力,他提拔的第一個人纔,詹姆斯麥迪...
圖書標籤: 傳記 英文原版 美國 曆史 非小說類 Washington History 美國
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