J. M. 庫切(J. M. Coetzee, 1940- ),1940年生於南非開普敦,荷蘭裔移民後代。成長於南非種族隔離政策逐漸成形並盛行的年代。1960年他離開南非赴倫敦,從事電腦軟件設計。1965年到美國攻讀文學博士,畢業後在紐約州立大學做教授。1971年迴到南非,在開普敦大學英文係任教。2002年移居澳大利亞。現為美國芝加哥大學“社會思想委員會”成員,並在該校執教。
In 1869, Dostoevsky was summoned from Germany to St. Petersburg by the sudden death of his stepson. Coetzee dares to imagine the life of Dostoevsky, whom we watch as he obsessively follows his stepson’s ghost, trying to ascertain whether he was a suicide or a murder victim, and whether he loved or despised his stepfather. The novel is at once a compelling mystery steeped in the atmosphere of pre-revolutionary Russia, and a brilliant and courageous meditation on authority and rebellion, art and imagination.
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Genius is better to be appreciated from afar, but not married. To get the gift of the most vulnerable and sensative soul for arts, they sacrefice their lives and themselves. 1.關於第五章 MZXIMOV中,大師與警察爭辯時引齣的關鍵人物:Sergei Gennadevich Nechae...
評分1、庫切將革命理解為世代間的衝突,繼而演化為青春與死亡的鬥爭,然而當這樣一個淺顯的解讀內化到陀思妥耶夫斯基個人的生命中,青春的一無所有與破壞欲、與無政府主義、與曆史結閤瞭起來。 2、庫切最後寫道:他背叛瞭所有人,為瞭寫作。不如說,陀思妥耶夫斯吞沒瞭所有人。 3...
評分要寫這本書,他必須熟悉陀思妥耶夫斯基的書,的人,的經曆。必須熟悉彼得堡。熟悉俄國那個年代的氣氛。俄國年輕人。還有俄國女人。 當然是虛構的,陀翁來到鞦天的彼得堡調查兒子巴維爾的死亡。這個兒子是他的繼子,但還是很愛。在彼得堡,他住兒子住過的房間,穿兒子穿過的衣服...
評分要寫這本書,他必須熟悉陀思妥耶夫斯基的書,的人,的經曆。必須熟悉彼得堡。熟悉俄國那個年代的氣氛。俄國年輕人。還有俄國女人。 當然是虛構的,陀翁來到鞦天的彼得堡調查兒子巴維爾的死亡。這個兒子是他的繼子,但還是很愛。在彼得堡,他住兒子住過的房間,穿兒子穿過的衣服...
Genius is better to be appreciated from afar, but not married. To get the gift of the most vulnerable and sensative soul for arts, they sacrifice their whole lives.
評分Genius is better to be appreciated from afar, but not married. To get the gift of the most vulnerable and sensative soul for arts, they sacrifice their whole lives.
評分Genius is better to be appreciated from afar, but not married. To get the gift of the most vulnerable and sensative soul for arts, they sacrifice their whole lives.
評分Genius is better to be appreciated from afar, but not married. To get the gift of the most vulnerable and sensative soul for arts, they sacrifice their whole lives.
評分Genius is better to be appreciated from afar, but not married. To get the gift of the most vulnerable and sensative soul for arts, they sacrifice their whole lives.
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