The New Living Translation is a translation of the Bible into an easily readable form of modern English. It started out as an effort to revise The Living Bible, but the project evolved into a new English translation from available texts in the original languages. Some stylistic influences of The Living Bible, however, do remain.
This translation follows the dynamic equivalence or "thought for thought" method of translation rather than a more literal method. The goal is "to create a text that would make the same impact in the life of modern readers that the original text had for the original readers" (quoted from A Note to Readers).
A team of eighty-seven translators worked on it; the process began in 1989, and the translation was completed and published in 1996. The Second Edition of the NLT (sometimes called the NLTse) was released in 2004 which resolved some of the awkward wording of the original, as well as reworking some of the poetic verses into more acceptable poetic form.
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——是否存在上帝? 《聖經》裏有著一個極其動人的故事,同時也是膾炙人口的:上帝許諾亞伯拉罕一子。亞伯拉罕聽到這個許諾之後無疑是高興的,他懷著希望去等待這個孩子,然而許多年月過去瞭,上帝的承諾始終沒有兌現,而這個老人卻是絲毫沒有改變自己等待孩子的意誌以及對上...
評分寫在前麵 我不是教徒...也沒有決定開始信仰耶和華並隻以此為智慧的開端。 我隻是相信。為善與善行善,不求得到以及迴報。 我隻是相信。隻是希望有溫暖的信念可以充盈我心。 我要開始做功課。為著心裏的希望和善良。 2007-8-21 《箴言.01--06》 1.愚妄人藐視智慧和訓誨 2....
評分 評分 評分先贊一下打鼓的兔子,文章寫的漂亮。前幾個月看過她一篇寫老師的文章然後去看瞭那個電影。剛剛纔發現同是一個作者~ 然後想多說幾句...本來是在迴復欄,後來看著實在太長就另寫吧。 是不是與小時候的教育經曆有關?許多人都認為唯物主義是唯一的真理。認為“唯心”...
圖書標籤: 宗教 HOLY BIBLE 聖經NLT NLT 2012讀的
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