Magnum Magnum 2024 pdf epub mobi 电子书
评分C&C offset 的印刷质量好得没得说 只要你喜欢胶片摄影就应该买一本,不论你喜不喜欢玛格南。 因为,这本大书还可以用来压平胶片
评分我那天在798看到了简装的那本。 好想现在就买啊··记得是320多元~~ 不过都是英语的还是法语的来着,, 买来只能看图片了。。。 最近我有听说以后会有中文版的出来,大 家来说下嘛。 到底是等中文版的出来买还是现在就买了。 纠结中,。
评分C&C offset 的印刷质量好得没得说 只要你喜欢胶片摄影就应该买一本,不论你喜不喜欢玛格南。 因为,这本大书还可以用来压平胶片
图书标签: 摄影 Magnum 马格南 纪实 photography 摄影画册 玛格南 画册
Since its founding in 1947 by Robert Capa, Henri Cartier-Bresson, George Rodger, and David "Chim" Seymour, Magnum Photos, the legendary co-operative, has powerfully chronicled the peoples, cultures, events, and issues of the time.
Magnum Magnum brings together the best work, celebrating the vision, imagination, and brilliance of Magnum photographers, both the acknowledged greats of photography in the twentieth century—among them Henri Cartier-Bresson, Robert Capa, Eve Arnold, Marc Riboud, and Werner Bischof—and the modern masters and rising stars of our time, such as Martin Parr, Susan Meiselas, Alec Soth, and Donovan Wylie. And it shows the work at a breathtaking scale: the vast page size of Magnum Magnum—12¾ by 15¾—gives the photos an impact never seen before in book form.
Organized by photographer, the book harks back to the agency's early days and the spirit that made it such a unique and creative environment, one in which each of the four founding members picture-edited the others' photographs. Here a current Magnum photographer selects and critiques six key works by each of the sixty-nine featured photographers, with a commentary explaining the rationale behind the choice.
This groundbreaking publication is at once a permanent record of iconic images from the last sixty years and an insight, as seen through the critical eyes and minds of Magnum photographers, into what makes a memorable photograph. This first edition of Magnum Magnum will become one of the great collectibles—an essential book for anyone interested in photography or the world depicted by it. 400+ photographs in color and duotone.
评分大约是4开的图册 感觉像看展一样 由于摄影取代了艺术模仿自然的动力 艺术在现代已经走向纯粹的观念的表达 而在这个意义上 纪实摄影似乎是更传统的 更加具象 阅于蓬皮杜
评分喜欢马格南就会喜欢这本书。买的是简装本,便宜一些,印的还不错。和Magnum Stories比文字少很多,份量轻些。
Magnum Magnum 2024 pdf epub mobi 电子书