In "The Persian Expedition", Xenophon, a young Athenian noble who sought his destiny abroad, provides an enthralling eyewitness account of the attempt by a Greek mercenary army - the Ten Thousand - to help Prince Cyrus overthrow his brother and take the Persian throne. When the Greeks were then betrayed by their Persian employers, they were forced to march home through hundreds of miles of difficult terrain n adrift in a hostile country and under constant attack from the unforgiving Persians and warlike tribes. In this outstanding description of endurance and individual bravery, Xenophon, one of those chosen to lead the retreating army, provides a vivid narrative of the campaign and its aftermath, and his account remains one of the best pictures we have of Greeks confronting a 'barbarian' world.
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無疑,色諾芬給人的印象是一位極冷靜的作者,而且能夠持久地保持冷靜,這不僅是因為他采用第三人稱(一個熱情的作者,什麼人稱也救不瞭),而且他一貫的紀事原則、演說風格也時刻嚮讀者證實著這一點。 在演說辭以外的部分,作者傾嚮於以最簡要的筆緻交代最有必要說明的...
評分 評分 評分色諾芬的《遠徵記》[i] 卡爾維諾 DJ 譯 在今天來閱讀色諾芬的《遠徵記》是件非常特殊的事,就好像我們觀看電視或者電影中不斷重播的古老戰爭記錄片一樣。當我們觀看一部黑白的褪色老片,那刺眼的光影對...
評分他既非將官,也非隊長或士兵。 ——色諾芬《長徵記》 那個夜晚,希臘人陷入巨大的恐慌。他們在戰場上失去瞭國王,現在又失去瞭將官和隊長。他們身處波斯的腹地,沒有盟友,沒有給養。他們顧慮重重,精神沮喪,無心生火,也不返迴營地。他們飢餓,卻吃不下;他們睏頓,卻睡不著...
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