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The Horse Whisperer 2024 pdf epub mobi 电子书

The Horse Whisperer


The Horse Whisperer 2024 pdf epub mobi 电子书 著者简介

Nicholas Evans has worked for a number of years as a film writer and producer. He and his wife live in London with their two children. The Horse Whisperer is his first novel.

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The Horse Whisperer 2024 pdf epub mobi 电子书

The Horse Whisperer 2024 pdf epub mobi 电子书

The Horse Whisperer 2024 pdf epub mobi 电子书

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非常喜欢的一本书。中学的时候先看的电影,后来在美国看的书。曾经以为婚外情是肮脏可耻的,看完这个觉得即使是婚外情,也有它纯洁唯美的一面。全书的最后一句印象很深,in case you forget。眼泪就落下来。


非常喜欢的一本书。中学的时候先看的电影,后来在美国看的书。曾经以为婚外情是肮脏可耻的,看完这个觉得即使是婚外情,也有它纯洁唯美的一面。全书的最后一句印象很深,in case you forget。眼泪就落下来。


非常喜欢的一本书。中学的时候先看的电影,后来在美国看的书。曾经以为婚外情是肮脏可耻的,看完这个觉得即使是婚外情,也有它纯洁唯美的一面。全书的最后一句印象很深,in case you forget。眼泪就落下来。


非常喜欢的一本书。中学的时候先看的电影,后来在美国看的书。曾经以为婚外情是肮脏可耻的,看完这个觉得即使是婚外情,也有它纯洁唯美的一面。全书的最后一句印象很深,in case you forget。眼泪就落下来。


非常喜欢的一本书。中学的时候先看的电影,后来在美国看的书。曾经以为婚外情是肮脏可耻的,看完这个觉得即使是婚外情,也有它纯洁唯美的一面。全书的最后一句印象很深,in case you forget。眼泪就落下来。

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出版者:Delacorte Press
作者:Nicholas Evans
价格:USD 24.95

图书标签: 小说  Nicholas_Evans  英国  当代  原著  外国文学  英文原版  国外   

The Horse Whisperer 2024 pdf epub mobi 电子书 图书描述

A forty-ton truck hurtles out of control on a snowy country road, a teenage girl on horseback in its path.  In a few terrible seconds the life of a family is shattered.  And a mother's quest begins -- to save her maimed daughter and a horse driven mad by pain.  It is an odyssey that will bring her to...

The Horse Whisperer

He is the stuff of legend.  His voice can calm wild horses and his touch heal broken spirits.  For secrets uttered softly into pricked and troubled ears, such men were once called Whisperers.  Now Tom Booker, the inheritor of this ancient gift, is to meet his greatest challenge.

Annie Graves has traveled across a continent with her daughter, Grace, and their wounded horse, Pilgrim, to the Booker ranch in Montana.  Annie has risked everything -- her career, her marriage, her comfortable life -- in her desperate belief that the Whisperer can help them.  The accident has turned Pilgrim savage.  He is now so demented and dangerous that everyone says he should be destroyed.  But Annie won't give up on him, for she feels his fate is inextricably entwined with that of her daughter, who has retreated into a heartrending, hostile silence.  Annie knows that if the horse dies, something in Grace will die too.

In the weeks to come, under the massive sky of the Rocky Mountain Front, all their lives -- including Tom Booker's -- will be transformed forever in a way none could have foretold.  At once an epic love story and a gripping adventure, The Horse Whisperer weaves an extraordinary tale of healing and redemption -- a magnificent emotional journey that explores our ancient bonds with earth and sky and hearts untamed.  It is a stirring elegy to the power of belief and self-discovery, to hopes lost and found again.

The Horse Whisperer 2024 pdf epub mobi 电子书

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The Horse Whisperer 2024 pdf epub mobi 用户评价


The severely wounded girl and horse survived. While the man I never suspected would die did die afterall. The end is a little bit idealistic.But maybe that depends on how people look at things. A page-turner it is.


2000年冬天读到这本书的中译本。一直想找英文版来看。最后一次读它是2005年冬天。一直为全书的最后一句话而震撼--"以免你忘记。---In case you forget。" 每次想起这句话,都觉得aching。


a mixture of all beautiful things in life... but still just a mixture


a mixture of all beautiful things in life... but still just a mixture


An enchanted novel

The Horse Whisperer 2024 pdf epub mobi 电子书





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