Walter Englert is the Omar and Althea Hoskins Professor of Classical Studies at Reed College in Oregon. He earned his PhD at Stanford University, and has published on aspects of Epicureanism, Stoicism and Roman Philosophy.
With the passion of a true poet, Titus Lucretius Carus (ca. 99-55 B.C.E.) expounds the most coherent and eloquent system of materialism surviving from the ancient world. Developing the atomic theory of his master, Epicurus, Lucretius discusses the motion of atoms, natural phenomena, sensation, free will, and the soul's relation to the body. Most importantly, Lucretius sees his teaching as a bulwark against religious fears and prejudices. Since death is final, humankind need not fear everlasting torture and punishment.
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最為印象深刻兩個地方 隻談第一個 “理性所不能完全從我們身上驅開的/剩下來的本性上的痕跡總算很少/所以沒有什麼能阻止一個人/去過一種配得上神靈的生活。” 盧剋萊修追隨伊壁鳩葛學派的理論,加入瞭自己的理解和設想,將理解萬物的自然性作為破除宗教迷狂的藥方。伊壁鳩葛學...
評分 評分1. 生前死後的“對稱”與“非對稱” 死後的狀態(而非死亡本身)是否會傷害一個人?盧剋萊修的答案是否定的,他運用“對稱性論證”的方式(Symmetry Argument)證明瞭他的觀點。他將無窮盡的時間看做一條直綫,人的一生是這直綫上的一小段,甚至是一個點,這樣人的生前與死後就...
評分【是通識課的論文…哲學係友鄰們不小心看到的話就善良繞道吧謝謝謝謝】 希臘哲學兩脈分野,一脈是柏拉圖路綫,另一脈是自然科學路綫,各自有其深刻性和不可替代性。伊壁鳩魯學派可以說代錶著希臘自然哲學的倫理精神和最完善的狀態。而盧剋萊修的《物性論》又通常被認為對伊壁鳩...
評分Lucretius的這本書是整個freshman學年唯一一本從拉丁語翻譯過來,並成書於羅馬時期的reading,在整個古希臘的世界中很特彆。將它的位置提前,大概有兩個原因,一個是要和lab science中的atom theory相聯係,另一個是探討nature到底是什麼,讀Socrates和Plato,再讀Lucretius,...
圖書標籤: 哲學 詩歌 古羅馬 SJC Lucretius 政治哲學 待掃描 盧剋萊修
評分classical approach to the fundamental questions of the world!GREAT !
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